We are all human we can do what we want with our life's no matter of we are
or Bi what matters is that you love the person you like if you love that person its life we should get use to that don't offend people


We are all human we can do what we want with our life's no matter of we are -Straight -Gay or Bi what matters is that you love the person you like if you love that person its life we should get use to that don't offend people

39 0
so true
Yeah I thought so i mean i wouldnt offend them <3
I love this , Can I post it on my page plz ( I'll give cred ) 😘
Sure you can put it on your page x
thx 4 following
No problem xx
Thx for the follow!πŸ˜€πŸ˜‹
Also this is so true, be yourself and don't let anyone stop you from doing thatπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ’–
Yes!! I agree
I support all sexuality, those who make fun of what sexuality we are, are probably jealous we can actually date someone