i’m so fūcking glad that your mom is abusing you and your dad died from heartattack you fūcking worthless fūcking bītch fūcking bāstard  also i’m really glad that you have bruises from ur mother fūcking wītchy bītchy


i’m so fūcking glad that your mom is abusing you and your dad died from heartattack you fūcking worthless fūcking bītch fūcking bāstard also i’m really glad that you have bruises from ur mother fūcking wītchy bītchy

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shut the fūck up that’s not even what happened
hi hello,I would rather if you just kept your mean comments to yourself they aren't needed her:)x thankyou
make a hate page for me
fūck expose me
why ? why are you hating on her ? what do you gain by this last time i check you don’t gain anything
mmm , honestly you ain’t worth my fūcking time so bye bįtch 🖕🏼
cool , stop talking to me
fûck off with your bûllshît