Say any question you want & I have to answer w/ the truth


Say any question you want & I have to answer w/ the truth

44 1
a white French bulldog
do u still live with your parents
yeah im only 14
how old is your sis
wait im famous?
btw I got a lot of followers because when I started I was 11 & I followed tons of people that follow back
when did u start drawing
well I go practically go crazy if react to negativity & I need people to know my name is Natalie & I used to have anxiety so that was a big role in my life
how many friends do u have
well those are just my best friends
if you mean like just regular friends its like almost everyone in my town cuz I love be friends with people its more fun & enjoyable
yeah I do gymnastics, soccer, hockey, volleyball, & i used to do ballet well i do it every once in a while
What country do u live in soz if I'm bein nosy
im in California
do u go to church
I don't have a religion, but my dad was a Catholic but he hated it & my mom was a Christian & she hated it & my family celebrate holidays without knowing what the meaning of it is
but hey, at least I can choose what I believe in, & no one tells me what to believe
do u live in a big house
yeah but when I was in kindergarten I cried cuz I got lost at night cuz I wanted to go to the kitchen for a glass of water
but im sad about it most of the time