I'm just tired, I need to rant, you probably don't care.
It's in the comments, whatever


Click I'm just tired, I need to rant, you probably don't care. It's in the comments, whatever

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Life sucks. I don't feel well- not ill just not well. I don't know anymore, you probably don't care, I just need to let it out// I try to bottle everything up which gives people the impression that I'm fine- I'm really goddämn not. It's like im falling into this painful spiral of depression, ŵtf i know. I'm just, I don't know. I feel like crying or freaking dying for all anyone cares. When I try to talk to someone they don't understand. They really don't. I try to be here for you guys but I'm terrible at advice and i really do try but Im just never good enough. You probably don't care. I'm sorry
I care. I know you don't feel like people care, but I promise you, so many people do. And I know you're probably tired of hearing this speech about how you are enough, and you matter, but the reason you keep hearing it is because it's true. Maybe not everyone will understand, but that doesn't mean we can't try, and it definitely doesn't mean that we don't care. So please be strong for me, for everyone that cares about you, and for yourself. I will always be here if you need to talk.
thank you love. same for you always. Are you feeling any better ^? I'm sorry to hear you have to deal w all that. you don't deserve it fren... :'(
No, you dun't deserve it. You're awesome. You are one of my bestest friends here. When I scrolled down my followers page or something, you were one of the earliest. Which means we've been friends ever since. Be strong.
hey listen to me, I understand what you're going through. maybe not exactly, but I'm going through the same thing right now and well... what I've learned is that I cannot let my dëmons win. and you can't either, so hold on darling <3 if you need anything, I'm here for you
aww well it's no problem, I love you too <3
yeah I'm fine, I'm just really pïśšed off xx
Honestly I relate to this A LOT. No one really knows and thats the worst. Keeping feelings in can make it hard to let out and talk to people.
It will all work out in the end, hopefully alive, we have to be happy. Though we may not see it, there is so much to live for and so many people who care.
Above all, I care, and we, your followers, and your friends care. You can always come to me if you need to talk, I'm here for you.
*hugs you tight* I'm not good with words
I's sorry that you feel like that and I can relate but it does get better please believe me and if you feel sad just remember that there are always people here and that I'm always here and I really hope you feel better soon *hugs you awkwardly*
*kisses your cheek softly* I know how you feel... But It's going to get better... I promise
I love you too *smiles*
re//: Danks 4 Da Spammmmmz fren
re//: *blushing lightly* Thanks
Is it better now?
*hugs* no problem... If you need a depressed pyscho to talk, I'm here
XD I'm a majestic pyscho *wink wink*
Hello fren
how u doing?