It’s ok, you’re going to be ok, just chill. I love you, k? 😊


✨tap✨ It’s ok, you’re going to be ok, just chill. I love you, k? 😊

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congrats to who made this amazing collage :)
sure but...nothing inappropriate! yeah don’t think I didn’t read ur other raps
oops autocorrect I meant to say rp
ok! thanks!
hello it is me the owner of the acc plz change the password back...I wanted ppl to go on and make encouraging stuff but they can’t if the password is changed
plz.... I really don’t appreciate u changing it :(
u can be on the acc but don’t change the password
idk who changed it but I know that there was an advertisement account (4) and the password kept changing. we all know how you feel
oh, its the same person, well I bet you guys know who I am. muhahaha
do u know the password at least?
we don’t know who u r