I wanted to put pillow talk on this like 59 times. I created a playlist on my Spotify with these all on if you wanna go have a listen ? It's called "good songs😍"


I wanted to put pillow talk on this like 59 times. I created a playlist on my Spotify with these all on if you wanna go have a listen ? It's called "good songs😍"

179 0
death of a bachelor, kitchen sink, San Francisco, hey everybody👌🏼
can I do something similar to this on my account? I'd give credit and it's totally fine if you don't want me to, I just wanted to check before I posted anything
yeah sure
thanks for asking first before taking full credit
its fine, I wouldn't have taken full credit anyway
could u follow me on Spotify? my name is (it's my account but it's my middle name not my first) harviebatty (I hate it)
follow me and I'll follow back