Hey-o laddies!! I missed you guys soooo much😍😍 I just started in my new school(today's my 3rd day), and I feel so weirded out though because I don't fit in so much😣
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😍click😍 Hey-o laddies!! I missed you guys soooo much😍😍 I just started in my new school(today's my 3rd day), and I feel so weirded out though because I don't fit in so much😣 Rate 1-10 & give feedback!😍 ©LilLove

113 0
I love this! and I'm sorry, hope you like your school better :(
hehe thank you💖
erm i'm not sure. do you have any images or a style in mind?
how different to your style?
like completely different or idk something influenced by me or something just altered from your style to be different?
and that's a good quote
so do you have any layout in mind?
hope schools good and I give it..........10/10