I hate the name of this app!The creators are bad and don't give a fûck about is haters which is the only fuçking thing I like about this !Please don't spam #StopTheHate because it's annoying and it doesn't fûcking help!Bîtches! :)


I hate the name of this app!The creators are bad and don't give a fûck about is haters which is the only fuçking thing I like about this !Please don't spam #StopTheHate because it's annoying and it doesn't fûcking help!Bîtches! :)

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You freak --___---
Honestly, the #StopTheHate thing does nothing. I agree the creators need to step up their game, but this isn't going to help. What would really help would be if all of the haters just stopped being horrible, immature, ill-mannered people and grew a spine. I'd rather get slapped than look at some holier-than-thou people pretend they're drama queens. *coughing* This is to all haters. *cough, cough*
I agree they're too many haters but you are one of them!Please unfollow!