Credit to Super_cat


Credit to Super_cat

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hey! haven't talked to you for so longgggg
wanna chat?
yeah sure
sorry I haven't been on for ages I've been really busy with school I have my GCSEs this year so I am revising really hard
what about?
me too I have been at school but what about?
I am sorry because I haven't been on for ages so that's why I haven't been in touch
r u doing your GCSEs too then?
no I am not doing GCSEs but I am at school so I can't be on really!
Are you gonna talk to me or not?
sorry I was just thinking
what year r u in?
I can't tell you that it's personal information and I am not aloud to say it out on the internet how old are you?
Are you gonna answer me!
sorry I just had dinner I feel really bad cause I keep leaving! ok I totally understand if u don't want to tell me - I am 16
thank you but can I please please co own your account I won't hack it no one will if you tell me it in the remies then you delete it!
I really don't want to share this account I made it specifically for me to express my feelings and grow as a person I'm sorry but I will announce owners of my new account soon and I guarantee u will be one of them!
NO can I just please co own with you I am literally crying so badly now! 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
answer me!!!
I'm really sorry but I can't. it's breaking all the points this account was created for. I'm sorry but I'm not going to let u co own it
ok I am not your bestie *blocks her*
bye do you want me to block you? will you let me co own? either choose one!
fine. block me. I'm sick of u controlling me u can't make me do anything. I make u a fanpage because u ask me to. I give u frequent shououts because u ask me to and I enter your competitions because u ask me to. u have no appreciation for anything I do for u and if u knew how hard I work for u u wouldn't block me. a true bestie wouldn't make u do something they don't want to do. if u were a true bestie u would've said fine after I said no and explained why. if u were a true bestie u would leave things now and apologise but part of me knows u won't do that so fine. I don't want to fight I'm feeling panicky as it is and if u had any idea of what I'm going through right now u would stop this. but u don't. do u know what it feels like to wake up everyday to know that your little brother died and your parents are too sad to notice your fresh scars. do u know what it feels like to want to die? this conversation isn't helping so block me. I don't even want to fight anymore I'm sick of feeling like rubbish. I might as well just die for all anyone cares
I actually have anxiety when you are just faking so just comment what you think about this but I really don't like you saying I don't try this is the hardest friend relationship I have ever had I am trying to be nice but all you do is moan !
I am so sorry your brother died😥😔
that's ok it's not our fault but I am telling the truth I swear
I believe u😆💞👌🏻
I really really want her back she is my PC bestie and it hurts so bad to know that she hated me the whole time I really liked her I was having a mini panic attack I didn't mean what I said
I am sorry I am back now!
yay! I deleted the collage
awwww tysm
omg I am so sorry for your lost 😔😢😓 I hope everything is going well now and please don't kill yourself!😔 u have a awesome account!! I will always love it!😉😘 who cares what other people think of u. u are your own person plus u have all of your fans (including me) 😊 btw your account is one of my faves 👌😘😊