We found Nichole. She was in the hospital because she took all the pills in our bathroom. She's in the hospital and we hope she makes it out alive. Please pray and spread the word


We found Nichole. She was in the hospital because she took all the pills in our bathroom. She's in the hospital and we hope she makes it out alive. Please pray and spread the word

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Yeah but I do t think best friends kiss and tell each other the love each other that's what couples do😐-Jazz
best friends do that to 👋🏻
This is Cam's sister and no they don't best friends don't kiss other water and act like couples-
well we do 😊 were really close and the kisses are like brother and sister kisses
Ok well that's basically cheating whether u like it or not Shay is basically cheating on cam-Jazz
no she isn't. if she kisses her brother would you count that as cheating? no. so this isn't either
Her brother is related to her....And so if your saying you love her so much then that's dating
yeah she's recovering in the hospital rn