i swear, im actually making something good. also, if you can figure out who im drawing, then kudos to you.


i swear, im actually making something good. also, if you can figure out who im drawing, then kudos to you.

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cinder???? from RWBY?
re: HUZZAH tbh the way they dealt with her character was kinda meh in the most recent season. then again I didn’t entirely enjoy the recent season 🙃
re: if she does come back I hope she goes through some sort of change cause recent cinder is defiantly not my favorite. it also makes not sense if she did survive even though I love her design but like how would she survive that fall 🙁. i don’t know I’m just hoping for a better season altogether.
that is very true emerald has a lot of potential as a character but my expectations aren’t very high for this season.
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