Comment on how you found out about my account!


Comment on how you found out about my account!

118 0
You liked Harry Potter so I followed you then you started posting Doctor Who stuff which got me to watch it
I saw your featured post and immediately liked you!
Your featured :)
we share total fandoms
idk u followed me
so ur featured post (it was awesome)
(thanks!! xo)
you found me first!
btw how did you find me
I could smell your awesomeness
sorry that was weird πŸ˜‚
lol but it's cool your awesome too
I saw your most recent post and liked itπŸ˜‚
idk actually! πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but I love your account!! ❀️😘
i searched "Bad Wolf" and you came up πŸ˜† Bad Wolf 4 Ever
I have many OTPs but Rose and The Doctor is my biggest one