inspired by Fandom-Cat!  lol Peter in Allegiant was the comic relief. GAH so close to 600 followers!!!! I'd love to get 3 more followers by the end of the day, please help me!πŸ‘ Remember to enter my contest!


inspired by Fandom-Cat! lol Peter in Allegiant was the comic relief. GAH so close to 600 followers!!!! I'd love to get 3 more followers by the end of the day, please help me!πŸ‘ Remember to enter my contest!

36 1
oh my gosh yes this was soooo funny!πŸ’–Peter was like I want the penthouse, no I want a room on the top floor thing, you know what I just want my bunk bed!😹😹😹😹😹He was sooo funny!πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’•
omg I love Peter! he's so funny!!!!! oh great now it's raining blood!
ahhhh I love your collages/edits so much you are so creative and this is so amazing