Truth Bomb


Truth Bomb

32 0
_Are you sure!? Ur da best😭But anyways, leave then, be happy with the real world first ❄️Just relax and do what your heart desires, that is the main point of life. ilysm and if you need someone to support, come and comment on my stuff, I am ALWAYS here for you bby💕ilysm, 88🎄🎄
Have a wonderful winter break btw💜
thanks so much
I support whatever decision you make. 😘
I totally agree with you. I barely post on PC because I am focused on my school work first. In my spare time I try my best to at least like people's collages, but I know what you're saying. Another thing I'm stressed about is that I'm applying for the Chelsea's Light Changemaker League. I'm pretty young but I want some community service credits for college, even if it's a loooooong way away. Anyways, have a great winter break and I hope you come back soon! ILYSM!!😘💜
I agree
so true
no don't leave!
awe my grades are horrible too. good desicion tho
just for a while, I just don't post, but I do comment and follow.
I'm one of those people who give you a big, kind, lecture on how amazing ur account is. though I thought about it, I'm not going to because this is an old collage and you've continued posting. thx for staying!
yeah np