Describe what it's like to cut?


Describe what it's like to cut?

121 1
I have been through it and I wanted people to understand, people tell me that I was stupid for doing it. I'm not encouraging anyone I wouldn't want that. if I was wanting someone to do it ( which I don't want anyone to) I would say it on bold
it seems to me that you were encouraging them
she was just trying to make a point
I would say my point but I don't want people to be triggered which by this post I'm sure someone thought about it...
yeah I self harm
Thank You so much for liking my posts it means a lot :) Btw your posts are amazing and so inspirational
guys she was trying to make a point. it is admittedly relief but it's not... she's not SAYING you should. it's a horrid way of relief but it is one and it shouldn't be.
thank you
It's okay, life gets better. The most important thing to remember is that you are worth it. Whatever is happening in your life right now, you will get through it. BTW your collages are amazing💕 STAY STRONG
thank you
sad, life gets better. There are SO many people that care about you that you don't even know. 😱 Maybe even people who have huge crushes on you!!👫 You will get through everything, you can do it bæ!!💕 STAY STRONG!!!!!! 💭💭 do your favorite things to keep happy, eg. ⚽️soccer or🏀basketball! Or dancing👯 or acting🎭 or reading📖 or writing!📝
yeah thanks
ur so brave for posting this and not be ashamed of it, whatever ur going through don't let it bring u down, stay strong💘
thanks you xxx
But how is harming yourself... How is that "relieving" yourself, it seem kind of ironic that hurting yourself would make you feel better.. 🤔
it's hard to explain but the pain that we are mentally feeling we put that into physical pain (self harm) and then we feel relieved as we are focusing on a different pain
do u want to be friends how old are you
yeah xxx I'm 15
I'm 14 and depressed, I am constantly considering self harming, do u think I should ? does it make u feel better ?
I think you shouldn't self harm is an awful thing.
so why do u do it ? xx
I stopped, I still relapse now and then
why do u relapse ? sorry I'm just curious x
because I get these days where I feel down and I can't feel happy
oh well I hope u feel better soon, stay strong❤️
that's so sweet I know you should not do it but some times I feel like I have to should I do it?
no you should never do it xxxx
thank you so much I'd rather listen to someone who had suffered than make a stupid choice
it's ok x if you ever want to talk about it I'm always here x I also have snapchat
so thank you so much it's just things have bin hard and I think I should not be alive some times☹️☹️
I understand I totally do. I've been through the worst recently and amazingly I am still here
I hope you can over come this
thank you xxx
hey thanks for the advice a few days ago , it really helped , it nice to know I have someone to talk to xx
it's ok xxx
do u have Snapchat ? xxx
yeah x my snapchat name is girlishmegster
okay thanks , I'll add u xx
ok thanks xxx
we put our mental feelings into physical feeling