R8 my haircut 1 to 10


R8 my haircut 1 to 10

4 10
hey I'm sry but let's talk at 4:10
okay I'll be there
hi Matt is a traitor anyway he said he might
I'm watching tv and eating pretzels
no I'm serious
anyways um I didn't think we gave Matt to much details
ok umm she's annoying
she always wants to follow us and do stuff that's annoying
oh lel
Sofia you know what's funny you are eating chips and I'm eating pretzels
ha look at my backyard
yea the annoying person lel
umm sometimes she gets annoying
yea I ment Sophia
umm what do you
want to do
yea I know that she's slow
so umm remix what ever you want it's hilarious
I'll do the same
umm what yu want to talk about
why she say block me
lizzy it's whom whom
Sofia you said come back 8:20 Sofia you said you promised
oh wait your back I didn't check umm she knows that you like me
wanna talk about something
umm my dad is telling me to go to sleep and I'm like what do you mean I don't have a room
yeah so ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
yeah I usually sleep at 10:30
why can I not have my own room FREAKING DAD
ohh just in my bed with my dad
umm let's talk about something else instead of chips and pretzels
uhh ok you might not like this one
remember it was hilarious
uhh do you know my whole family doesn't know I have over
I ment pc
um ok
what do judge my dad
don't judge
I feel like your stalking me LOL
I can't smile I have a problem I'll show you a pic
thank you to
nope not at all shhhhhh
what does yw mean
lol now let's get into gossip about Sofia not in a creepy way
ment Sophia
oh thank
1:she follow us2:she's lying about pc
exactly and my dad is being weird right now he sitting on my leg
Sofia I make a funny pic
what the heck
I can stay up until 9:30 my stupid dad
who Sophia
then tell her to shut up
that scum I don't who says scum but still she is
I know not in that way tell on her
yeah my stupid wifi isn't working to well
it might do it again
you know in class i feel bad for you
you next to Eric
ehh what I hate is I'm next to Madison
nothing oh shoot my dad says I have to go to sleep
see you tomorrow byeπŸ˜“πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜₯πŸ˜’πŸ˜¨πŸ˜°πŸ˜±πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΏπŸ˜“πŸ˜―πŸ˜¦πŸ˜΅πŸ˜­πŸ€’πŸ€•πŸ˜΄πŸ’€πŸ’©πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΊπŸ’€
nothing bc I'm talking to you
yeah so umm is Sophia going to be there
yeah she doesn't have to be loud right
when want to go on minecraft
you mean 3:20
you said 4:20
ok umm wan to go now
and wait for Sophia
why can't you talk
in minecraft
what's the password
how were you talking before
do you know how to make a new password
Sofia are your here
you know you can make a ransom password right
so stop being lazy and make a new freaking password
ok so umm wanna talk about Sophia again yay
why she always follow us we don't tell her what to do
nothin just chewing gum LOL
it means what you want to do
blowing a bubblegum
brb have to do something
I'm back
watching tv
talk to you at 6:00 go to go see ya later