1st PC Academy News!!


1st PC Academy News!!

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I love how we have two guys, but there’s going to be a prom anyways😂😂
But I’m excited!
I would like help be a journalist
also I still don’t have a dorm
where do we sign up for cheer?
how do you sigh up for cheer??
is there anyway for me to get a boyfriend maybe if not that's OK since I'm not that pretty
just so you know this is __Pastel_Dreams__ I have changed my user to xXSteDustXx.
I’m interested in being a news reporter. I’m also looking for a guy 👌
I’m also looking for a guy! *sailor repeated*
I still don't have a dorm, will I be getting one soon?
are we gonna remix outfits?
I cAn Be A jOuRnALiSt
This is -TheFrenchiestFry-, btw