Ahh! Page, Molly, and Polly! StacyPlays one of my other favorite youtubers!🐢


Ahh! Page, Molly, and Polly! StacyPlays one of my other favorite youtubers!🐢

27 0
when did I say that I didn't care about your haters? don't put words into my mouthπŸ˜¬πŸ˜‘πŸ˜«πŸ˜‚
We aren't! ... Also for the flower collage Liz made, she didn't steal that flower. That flower is everywhere, even on the featured page.
I never said that it was my flower seriously. I was joking. lol
well, we didn't take it as a joke. You didn't say it as a joke either, you can't tell if it's a joke on the Internet.
I put the "πŸ˜‚" emoji next to it. How can I be serious when saying that
I love Stacy too!
uh, ur famouse! check my post
I love everyone you post! Fav youtubers!
cute collage
can I have a icon? I'm ordering from two people, and whoevers icon is better will win! (your opponent is...... _PastelAngel_ICONS!!!!!!) have fun, and I will fill out your icon form in a sec