Qotc:who's your PC idol aotc:triplet-klf of course


Qotc:who's your PC idol aotc:triplet-klf of course

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omg! ur account is incredible!😍
thx I ❤️ your style
yeah we are twins
I read the question in the caption and when I looked at the answer I mentally freaked out! ARE YOU SERIOUS! Out of everyone on here I am the one who is your idol! HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN! 😱💕 Thank you!
triplet-klf wow thx for commenting I just can't even understand how you have so much talent can I have some?
angelic_bliss that's hard to believe 💕🌟
avery2211 you're really lucky to have a twin who is older?
ice-creams np!!
so sweet
wow, love ur collages!!
thankyou all your all so amazing
thx and you so do
I love turquoise to
Omg I love ur collages I wish I had talent like u!!😊
Yeah, we're all girls! ✨
awe thx but you do
are you guys all best friends?
love this!!
thankyou your amazing two all of you