10 0
Your username matches ur personality.
what the actual heck, leave Allie alone
What's your problem???
what did she do you you this is not ok
what did she do to u? u r probably just some dumb 5 yr old who doesn't know what to do with ur time! so stop following me bc of u r the disgrace hereπŸ’”πŸ˜‘ur probably a jealous little kid😩
stop following me
hers not perfection to your family because she isn't in your disgusting family!😾😾😾
she is not hers
Why are you begging your attention? Exactly who are you?
A four year old child who doesn't know manners and doesn't have a life? Right, πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
I'm not sure if you like her or you just wanna FΓ›CK herπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚??
don't follow me
one of the kindest most talented people in this app got hacked today. 😭😭😭 her beautiful account's name was watermelonboca. the hacker deleted the account which is awful help Juliana (watermelonboca get her followers and likes back) 😭😭😭
UNFOLLOW MY ACC (Milqy_Way) U r just a jealous, mean, pathetic, attention-seeking person btw u do know that bullying is a crime right? and u can get arrested for it
Your the disgrace! Go fu!k yoself
kys boo πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ’“
not cool