Happy fall #chloecarolinecrew ! Here's some music I've been listening to. What's on your playlist?


Happy fall #chloecarolinecrew ! Here's some music I've been listening to. What's on your playlist?

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you are amazing ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
I danced to your dad song to my dad on his birthday
oh my gosh that makes me so happy!! that is so sweet, I hope your dad had a lovely birthday and I'm glad my song could be a part of it! :)
I'm listening to One Last Standing right now๐Ÿ˜„
It's amazing
contest on my page
um we'll evrything
king for a day by pierce the veil, peacemaker by Greenday, lightning in a bottle by the summerset, I'm not a vampire by falling in reverse
summerset, I'm not a vampire by falling in reverse
Umma Thurman or Lean On
P!nk, MandoPony, and Guren no Yumiya and Jiyuu no Tsubasa by Linked Horizon
dear Chloe plz follow me I am ur biggest fan from cupcakefox3645
Never heard of any
plz follow me
if you're not going to follow me I will unfollow you๐Ÿ˜still love u though
answer me in less then 12:00 pm tomorrow by the end of Halloween
or else I will press that unfollow button
thx ๐Ÿ˜˜
who is this person GAWD
Hey Chloe! I was listening to your music today and I love it!! Especially your new songs!! If you comment back I will be so glad just wanted to let you know how good your music was!
I love bea Miller!