Any advice for trotting bareback?


Any advice for trotting bareback?

10 2
maybe try to keep your heels down A LOT. I'm not 100% sure this will help, but I know how you feel, bouncing around so much.
and like piglover said, maybe you can find some info on the internet
ok thanks JollyHorses!
haha hold on tight 👊😂
really work on using ur inner thigh muscles and calves and if you need to you can always hold onto mane! also make sure you are keeping ur shoulders back and sitting deep as if you were in a saddle:) hope this helps!
I always squeeze really hard with my thighs, and I hold onto the mane really hard. good luck!😉
oh and bring your knees up! not sure if this works as well but it's worth a try right?
grip with your legs
have fun! I love bareback