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I'm writing a book, and I was wondering if you guys would actually read comment down Karma Levy (the main character in my book) if you want a sneak peak of the first chapter!


Click ➰➰➰ I'm writing a book, and I was wondering if you guys would actually read comment down Karma Levy (the main character in my book) if you want a sneak peak of the first chapter!

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hi Lindi! I'm so sry I haven't been post or commenting lately. as u might no I have very limited wifi at the moment. I will try to comment more on ur posts :). xx Wren 💖💖💖
Karma Levy. Can't wait to read your book!😘💕💦
oh my god I'm such an idiot 😝 it's @mendeslikesmuffins lol why didn't I know that 😂
Karma Levy!!! I am sure your book is amazing!!
Karma Levy!
me to right I love them both together
karma Levi
Karma Levi
okay thanks love! ➰ just wanted some feedback
hey Lindi! for some reason i feel like we got off on the wrong start😕 idk why I feel this way, but I want to make it up to you! so would you like to collab with me? and by the way I'm REALLY sorry about the first time we collabed, I didn't really know that we were both supposed to post it so I didnt🙁 I'm so sorry! and it's okay if you don't want to collab, I just really feel bad😞🙂
that's great! and thanks! what would you like to collab about?☺️
want to do hunger games? and should I start or do you want to?💓
no problem! and that's about TMI?😇 and if not then maybe divergent...idk😂😂
absolutely😉 do you want me to start or do you want to start it?
okay sure! and it's really funny because your almost done school already and it's 10:25 PM where I live right now😂😂😂🙈😇
do you wanna start or should i?
I so agree