New web search source!


New web search source!

659 103
It's alright, sometimes it gives me images that aren't relevant but it's okay.
yay! you guys work so hard to help us πŸ’–
it sucks
I love it
PERFECTπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ bit could be better
it only gives pngs :( but it's still better β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
why can't u guys use the old WEB SEARCH SOURCE????? it was way better
the old web search was way better you should've left it!
it's fine but we liked the old one better but that's okay
it comes up with pngs a lot, which is okay, but sometimes I don't want pngs
search results are limited and often irrelevant
much better than when you didn't have a search source but much worse than when you had normal Google
it is good apart from it keeps coming up with pngs witch sometimes you don't want to use for a collage thank you so much for trying to sort the problem out though 😊😊😊
glad you guys are on top of the problem and working to fix it though!!! PicCollage has the best customer service and the hardest working team around!
I'm glad u worked on the problem but, I don't really like it. You could do better
the only problem is that everything is a png
It gives too many Pngs and the pics have an awful white outline and sometimes when I search the results are often irrelevant
take a look at my contest maybe? i'm sorry for promtionπŸ˜”
The search thingy has improved (the relevance of the photos) however they're mostly pngs.
everything I look up is in sticker form! And not related to what I'm searching! And not serious. I searched different things and got the same results for everything I searched for.
everything I search is in sticker form with a white border
Yeah I get that it's really annoyingπŸ˜’
Thanks for trying to fix the irrelevant search problem, but the new search engine...well...I'm not in love with it
everything is in a sticker form with a white border...
everything is a sticker, the white border is annoying. but I like how they're almost all pngs, not just photos.
it's all pngs. is there anything that you can search to get normal pictures? thanks for the help
I don't really like how it's all pngs😩
it's all pngs with white outlines. and when you search something its irrelevant.
OK GUYS please don't complain it isn't Pic Collage's fault. I am positive they're trying very hard to fix this issue, but until they find a better solution, BE MORE KIND. Most of you guys are just being obnoxious and acting like it's PC's fault that Google wouldn't support the web images. Thank you if you were kind in letting PC know that there is a problem. If you weren't kind in your comment, I suggest you delete it and rewrite it in a more polite way. PC doesn't deserve all this hate. They are trying to fix the problem. Don't be rude when they are working hard to fix this. (Btw I am not a member of the Pic Collage team, I just think it's unfair PC is getting hate when they are trying to help,)
works well
except for Png but the rest is fine
omg just found new png like the other one follow me and I will tell you what to search
it's very annoying it's all basically png
It's very frustrating because basically all the results are pngs
celebritie competition!!!
I search backrounds and png comes up πŸ˜–πŸ˜“πŸ˜’
ya I always search for a background and all that pops up is pngs that aren't even related to my search! it's so frustrating!!!!😠please find a different source!
I know I searched for a type of trainer an it brought up troll faces xx
it's only png ☹
please put kawaii new year free plese
it's awesome !!!πŸ˜€β­οΈπŸ˜ΈπŸ€—
I love everything in sticker form but since a lot of people don't, maybe there could be an option for stocker form or non sticker form
sticker* and when I searched Harry Potter, it gave me Harry Styles stuff so the search engine could do some work
contest on my page
can I be featured or on popular page please? 😩
i dont like it at all 😑
no really good
I mean not really good!πŸ™ƒ
don't like just comes up with a bunch of random weird pngs...
I don't like it. the pictures are like stickers and they aren't even relevant to what I search
it isn't as relevant especially the backgrounds which are stickers
it's a bit better, but I'd like more actual pictures than stickers and maybe a few more results.
When I post, it says that it was shared but it's not on my page or on the home page.
I don't like it at all, it's only stickers and all of them are with borders and when j search smth it's not always relevant
I don't like it it's like stickers and I had to take it from the web and the save it and click photos and it took a long time.
I don't like it
it's like stickers sometimes I can't Evan find what I'm looking for
how do you create a contest and then add it on the contest page?
yeah it's just stickers when i search for something stickers come up instead 😭
Really sorry but it's still now workingπŸ€—
it's not great but people! just get your pictures from the Internet separately! it's easier!!!!!
my feedback is the old search was better just a tip to any editors I strongly advice using we heart it for picsπŸ’•
when i search all there is is stickers??!?!?!?!?!!!
what is it?
I don't like it sorry
it's literally a bunch of pngs!
ya try we heart it or tumblr and without any inappropriate images
For everyone who needs background pictures, in the meantime I recommend using we heart it because there is lots of professional pictures to use πŸ’–
Nvm I can post again.
I liked the old one with real pics now tere are stickers
not my fav
I don't like it. Sorry. Thank you for trying though!
I lost all my collectibles AGAIN...😭 And I don't like it either...Sorry
Search results are irrelevant :/
I'm sorry but I HATE it! it only gives me stickers and it's still irrelevant!
sorry I don't like it either. The images are all weird and sometimes creepy. 😠😠😠😭😭😭
I did not enjoy what came up on the web search!All of these weird sticker things came up!!!☹️Can you please try to fix this soon,because I will not be able to make good collages if you don't.Thankyou.
yeah, I'm sorry my it's really only good for people who post funny, corny well.... randomness. it's pretty much impossible to post anything nice with a beautiful background. for instance, I looked up the Irish prayer and I bunch of sticker of one direction came up! please try to get the old search back😫😫😫😫😫😭😭😭😭😭😭
every time you want a picture, weird stickers and pngs come up. I really want the old search back πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
and I lost all of my collected images
I can't do outfits anymore with the irrelevant pictures
no. I don't like it😒😒
u can't even get images of the topic I searched!
I not u stupid auto correct
it's not very good . everything you search up is like a sticker and has a white border on the outside of it . the pictures are horrible .
Hi!Please follow me because I do daily quotes and cool collages!
plus you'll get loads of likes and plenty of shoutouts!
I don't like it it only pops up transparent and png things I want actual images sorry but don't like it
I don't like it I can never find the pics I need
I hate it there are no full pics and it's not a large selection it sucksssss
dear Piccollage, I don't like the new web search source because I want to get pics of Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
I looked up blue flower. most of the results weren't even flowers
Firstly I Can't Get Any Good Quotes! All That Comes Up Is Irrelevant Things! That's Why I Liked The Old PC
half the stuff that's comes up is totally irreverent to what o search for πŸ˜•
come follow my account. I follow back x
see, I agree with that person, I work really really hard on my collages but have never gotten a feature. I'm not trying to complain and be greedy, I know plenty other people who make amazing collages but are unfairly not getting features because they don't have enough followers to get a lot of likes, I wish there was another method. what I understand is some features can be completely AMAZING while others are just nice, and it only depends on how many like you get?πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–
you should phone me I really like it
Wonderful, I'm going to try it out!
yeah its not good its like the opposite of what I search for
hi I posted something 2 times but it didn't show plz help me
um it doesn't work it is slot worse
yay thanks!!! omg! also how do you deactivate every time you make an edit t saves to your camera roll
it is just sticker emojis I hate it
when I used to search something like "Dippy Fresh" (don't ask) a photo of Dippy Fresh and stuff relating to it would show up. now, it doesn't even get close to the search I want, just stickers of random celebrities and stuff of that matter. please go back to the old way of searching for the sake of everyone here
I don't like it
I hate it change it back!
its terrible!!!!! please change back!!!!
I searched for 'Grey's Anatomy Season 2' and all that came up were an array of irrelevant stickers that had absolutely nothing to do with the show.
can someone help me get 100 followers
I like the other one better! Plz change it back!!!
it's likes stickers..
It's ok and we all appreciate you trying out new things but sometimes when I search it come up with something irrelevant and also I dont always want a 'sticker type of picture' and I want a normal one, meaning that I end up having to go on safari. So I actually like the old one more. :)
it's okπŸ˜• all the pics are like stickers and when I searched up red it showed pics of Jesus, so the search results aren't great, but it was worth a try
they are mostly stickers and they have white borders. sometimes that's good but most of the time I want a regular png
I think you should have a button that chooses if you want to save the collage or not.
when I try to cut a transparent with one of the shape cuts I can't move or "tap" the transparent.
I can't even find what I need
let me be nice it's really really bad
it's ok, but a lot of the time "stickers" come up, and most times I just want a png w/o any white border
Yes, it sucks!! I want the original Pic collage search images back. I can't even find pics to make a happy birthday pic for a friend on FB anymore..UGH!! I have used this app daily for years now I unfortunately find my self looking for a different app to use. Seriously, you can't even find a Happy birthday image anymore!! This is ridiculously unacceptable!! PLEASE FIX AND BRING BACK THE PIC COLLAGE WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE ASAP, BEFORE YOU LOSE ALL YOUR LOYAL USERS!! PLEASE!!! :(
I am so sorry to say this but the web search is horrible!πŸ˜’Stickers and random things come up when you search up something.Please try to get the old web search back!πŸ˜•- Jesus_is_power
don't really like it. can't find what I need. doesn't really pull up what I search for.
the videos don't load all the way, but otherwise so far no problems
follow me and like my posts for a follow!πŸ’—πŸ˜˜
follow back and double tapπŸ‘ŠπŸ’—
for some reason mine was fixed in a couple weeks after I had a promblem for a week and it was all goodπŸ˜•πŸ˜
it's not that good but at least you guys tried πŸ˜•
I'm not sure if you have noticed but there is a really rude person picking on a girl
her name is -MYSTIFIED-loverNOT
plz help us in making her stop
how do you get your collage featured?
not too good actually very bad
It's okay I don't like it at all
hi there ! I love pic collage but when I try to search something on web search it doesn't really give me the result that I really wanted . but it's fine though ☺️
I dont like it you can only search png's and I want pictures not just transparents
i hate the new one all the images are stupid and png you cant search for a normal image i prefer the old search style (maybe the comment sound hater(
i dont like itπŸ™….
there are too many hackers and they hacked many friends account and she can't log back in because it says the email is incorrect, her name is KeepCalmAndAlwaysLovePandas, but now her name is PandasAreAwesome, plz do NOT let hackers on, almost all my friends in my "circle" have been hacked, most of them have already logged back on but some are gone, FOREVER! Please help everyone by getting rid of hackers now!
it sucks
I search sky and everything under the sun except sky came up, the closest thing was a house emoji, go back to old way
still irrelevant
can you do something on how to get featured or for pop page ?¿
not exactly working. :(
didn't work that well
nooooo it's awful!!! I can't get a single picture it's all just gigs and PNGS it's super annoying! please switch it asap! sorry for the negative comment 😒
uhh sorry but there not that good :/ all they are are stickers pretty much and I can't make anymore collages I haven't been able to get idea noor actually make a decent one please try to find a better web browser
I like a bit better
because it's not just pngs now
it's not good everything I search up are just stickers I can't make anymore pic collages please help!
it only gives me stickers and not what I want
not working just transperent stuff that r weird
what is the app you use to get glitter
I'm Doing a contest and I don't like the new images on the Internet
I can't even get videos!!πŸ‘ΏπŸŽ₯πŸ“½
and all of the images are either png's or have no background!!!πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ this is really annoying!!!!!mπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ now I have to go to either we ❀️ it or google to get a good pic and there pictures SUCKπŸ‘Ώ
what source are u even using?!?!?! btw, it always says "We are down for maintenance"!! plz fix this!!
i like the stickers but i don't like how there are barley any goof pictures.
I hate this it sucks because they are all overlays and don't come even close to what I typed inπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ
I'm not Diggin it:(
but I would like if u feature my acc or collage I've been her for 4 years and it's 2016 now !!!
plz change it to normal I'm being as nice as I can
pop page? me?
I would like it better if there was full images as well as transparents
Please get a new one it's only stickers I can't make any more collages HELP
Works well for me. I used to always have to type up transparent after my search and I'd never know if it was transparent or not. But now I do know!! But one prob: I think there should be more images because sometimes you've seen a pic before but then u can't find it anymore! Having more pics could give u more of a chance finding good ones that u like.
YAY thx
change it back!!
please let us use hashtags and tag users like all the other social media apps.
change it back to google please!!
better than before, but i still get harry styles instead of potter.
i_am_sirius is right!!!! i'm not good at clipping, either.
Google was better. please change it back
I β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
Can accounts have bios please. I would love to know somethings about our followers! it would really cool to see what people like or what kind of person they are. right??
I search transparent after everything so its fine for me
It's great! πŸ˜„
hey umm this is off topic but I think pic collage would be really cool if users had descriptions in their profiles😊
wheres the new fonts and background?
i πŸ’– that
the web source is great !! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ» thanks
What happened to the heart that pops up when you like something????
yay u fixed it thx
hehehheheehehhehe 😺😺😺😺😻😻😻 it's fixed ththththtx so muck
hey check me out I'm pretty funnyish I guess πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
it's betterπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
follow taylor_4_ever she is awesome!!!
hi I just wanted you to know I am hosting a game on my page and I think you would like it you make collages and edits to win followers and friends everyone will eventually win I hope you enter
please notice me
plz put me and Koopaboop on the pop page
happy days
I don't really Iike this new feature
whenever I keep searching something with tumblr in it it gives me overlays not any pics and I used to be able to get great pictures but now I can't
delete account!!!
I love PicCollage, but it is no longer fun.Nothing works more.
Liken, posting, search Photos, Nothing works more.πŸ˜₯
pic collage can you fix the notification bug and sometimes the servers lag I dunno if this is a bug or something wrong with the servers
it's much better!πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ» thxs!
it's much better than before
thanks so much it's so much better now!
it's worse
yay I πŸ’— it
It works fine for me