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okay I don't want this to sound cheesy but here me out. I used to hate myself... I was in depression and I've finally got over it. yay right?! not really. when I was in the hospital I realized something. somethings do matter in the long run. if you go to school with a huge zit in the middle of your forehead it may seem like a huge deal to you but imagine in 10 days no one will care at all or even remember. everyone is the centre of their own universe. I want all of you to remember that you can't change the things you can't change. Honestly I hate being tall but after I overcame depression I realized there is way more things to worry about than being 5 inches taller than everyone in your class. learn to love all of your flaws. have you ever looked at yourself and thought aw if only I had 15 wishes I could have a perfect life? I wish to never have pimples again, never to have warts or whatever. we all need to except that we are beautiful and we have a great life if we live he most of it. love everyday of your life and life it to the fullest. honestly we are all here together and not to fight with each other but to hold each other up from all the hard times. we are each others ally's and we need to except each other and love each other. most importantly we need to love ourselves and our lives. we need to have the greatest life ever. I just hope nobody ever has to go through not loving themselves like I did and hating society. I love every single one of you❤️ you are beautiful no mater what and never forget that.
Beautiful speech.💛
Stay Strong 😘❤️