Prayers needed


Prayers needed

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if you watch or read the news, you have probably heard why. it was featured on New York Daily News, CBS news, ABC news, and Fox News.
there was a small gas company digging. they struck a huge gas line, so they called Ameren. Ameren showed up to try and fix the problem. when they were there, it exploded. 1 person was killed, 3 Ameren workers were sent to the hospital, and I think 11 regular civilians were injured.
two people were lifeflighted
all my friends said they heard a loud boom. they thought that a bomb had went off, or that they were having an earthquake.
most of my friends have texted and said they were okay, but I am kind of worried because one of my friend's dad worked in the building right next door to the explosion, and she hasn't responded to say whether or not she and her dad are okay. here is a link. it has surveillance video footage from nearby shops. and pictures. and more information on the topic. if you want to know more, leave a comment or google Canton IL explosion or click the link. please pray! thanks, -Annie