Ew that is gross


Ew that is gross

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I know that you are tinis cousin
oh great is there anything she hasn't told you?
she trusts me so she is telling me many things
but how would she even know who I am? what's her problem
why are you doing this to her she loves you so much and you are hating her tell me the reason maybe I can help you
look she might seem like a sweet little angel but you have no idea how she really is sure she was my favourite cousin but she's not that person anymore
why what did she do
I'd rather leave that behind she's not who you think she is
but she told me that she loves you
she loves me? oh please and you believe those lies of hers? she hates me she always did
why do you think that
I don't think I know you have no idea she has told me plenty of times of how much she hates me
what really when did she do that?
every time she sees me all she tells is lies I have heard her talk to my dad and she told him that she wish I was never born
she didn't said she hates you maybe you understanded it wrong
I'm not that stupid I heard exactly what she told to my dad on the phone she said that she hates me I'm just a stupid little boy and she wishes I was never born what's there not to understand?
but she told me that she loves you with all her heart
lies lies and lies you don't know her the way I do she hates me with all her heart I always hear her talking to someone about how much she hates me
oh really
yeah and then she wonders why I'm like this she was always my favourite but then she hated me always since the day I was born
I'm so sorry
I don't know why she always lied to me she really was my favourite and still is even if she wouldn't love me I love her but I'll never forget everything she said she hurts me a lot
oh but maybe she was very angry don't be sad
how can she be angry everyday? I always listen to her phone calls and she always does that she even hit me once but I never told anyone because I protected her I don't want my family to know how she really is
but it was years ago but I can't forget about it I was like 10 years old back then and it's a horrifying memory now
I'm so so sorry but tini was very young too maybe now she knows how horrible that was
she was but that phone call with my dad last night how does she explain that?
she said she wasn't alright she felt like she would die she didn't even know what she said
she's lying she was fine last night and she even laughed when she talked with my dad
don't believe anything she says
is she really that bad?
she is you don't know her
but ... I can't believe that she is so bad
she's not bad she's just really really mean sometimes
but she doesn't mean it like that trust me
she loves you
if she'd love me why would she prefer all my other siblings like they're her little precious Angels and she doesn't even care if I'll exist she left me behind
she doesn't prefer them
I'm just air to her if I'll die she wouldn't care I know she lies about not having favourites because she does have favourites
she says why you always remember the bad memories
because there is only bad ones
like I said she hated me since the day I was born