when your finally more open about your age but those cool tē ena gers on here like your posts and you think theyre thinking that your cringey bc of your captions


when your finally more open about your age but those cool tē ena gers on here like your posts and you think theyre thinking that your cringey bc of your captions

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dw you're the coolest ten year old I know
wait you're ten
(it's chase btw this is my secret acc)
heck no just cause I'm a teenagèr doesnt mean I'm cool. hey hey I'm older than you but way less cool I promise
You're infinitely cooler than I was as a ten year old m8
lol ten year old me was waaaayyyy more immature than you are and now that I'm a Tèenàger™ I can assure you though I have matured, I am not cool
come on how are you cringey
when isn't it problematic ???