Collage by softkisses


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good morning sweet pea☺️
the app won’t let me make remixes without texts anymore ☹️
this is so sweet.. i haven’t gotten a remix like this in such a long time 🥹
sometimes you can’t help if you’re moody you know? i just hope it’s not all the time :)
I’ve been told I have good patience
I love you :) every aspect of you ❤️
i can’t wait to get married to you :)
if I’m being completely transparent with you, it’s not that you give me a hard time but, that the energy is unbalanced you know?
i experience that a lot with you :) but I’ve come to realize that you won’t be as excited as I am
I know being with you when you’re moody will be more helpful then if j walk away
because then I wouldn’t be a good partner :) good partners always stay around
🤨 be niceeee
really?.. weeks? ❤️
is it because I’m not around as much?
te amo mucho :) ❤️
i hope you know that you’re not a burden or anything when you’re moody, it does make me sad to see you not happy but, I can’t expect you to be happy all the time :) plus, we all have bad days right?
i understand :) you’re a mom, of course you’re going to be tired
I’m tired toooo, I just don’t show it as much ❤️
^^ maybe because when I see you I get super excited :)