Anyone wanna rp?


Anyone wanna rp?

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Jade: hey
Nebula: Hi
Nimphia: Hey.
Nebula: so, uh, how're you guys doing?
Shadow Mangle: sup
Jade: *yawns*
Nimphia: Ok i guess.
Nebula: cool
Nimphia: Just, I haven't talked to Vincent in 5 days and I miss him.
Jade: I’m so tired
Nebula: awwww that sucks. (yeah they haven't been on in a while)
Jade: yeah, must not fall asleep.
Luna: aw it’s ok Nimphia
Vincent: * hugs you* Hey Nimphia!!
Nimphia: Just miss him, Im kinda worried tho...
(lol) Nebula: oh. he's back. *rolls her eyes and walks away*
Luna: hey Vincent
Nimphia: Yay! You're back! *hugs back*
Vincent: Hey Luna!
Luna: *smiles and sits down* Nimphia, can you make some macaroons?
Nimphia: Sure.
Luna: Yay😊
Nebula: *comes back in, but she transformed into a husky puppy, and she growls at Vincent* grrrrrrr
Nimphia: Do you want Chocolate Carmel or Vinalla Razberry?
Luna: *jumps* What the heck Nebula! you scared me! *laughs*
Nimphia: *gives Neb a macron to calm her down*
Luna: Chocolate Caramel!
Nimphia: *puts on her apron and gets to work*
Luna: *licks her paw*
Nebula: *lays down and eats the macaroon* ruff! (yum!) (brb)
Luna: *smiles at Nebula*
Vincent: * sighs and sits next to Luna*
Luna: *looks at Nebula and growls playfully*
Shadow Mangle: grrrrr and Vincent u remember me right !?
Luna: *looks over at vincent* What is it?
Jade: *falls asleep *
Blade: hey
Nimphia: *takes down the coco powder and the rest of the ingredients*
Nimphia: *adds a secret ingredients but the mix kinda explodes into a puff of coco powder* *cough*
Vincent: Yeah I remember you.
Anti: * hugs Blade* Hey!
Shadow Mangle: * turns to Mangle *. Mangle : hi
Nimphia: *waves the powder out of her face but it gets everywhere* This is ganna take a while to wash out.
Blade: hey Dad
Anti: How're you? Vincent: * snaps and the cocoa powder is gone*
Mangle : hi guys I’m back I finally got Shadow Mangle to leave !
Nimphia: *pipes the macrons onto a tray*
Nimphia: *is still covered in coco powder, but pops the tray into the oven*
Blade: I’m good, lol
Nimphia: *washes the mixing bowl she used and wipes most of the coco powder off her face* Macrons are almost done.
Blade: yum
Vincent: * walks up behind you and hugs you*. Anti: Good. * smiles* Wanna go torture Jack?
Mangle: hey Nimphia can I help with decorating? plz
Nimphia: *kisses you* You ok?
Nimphia: Sure!
Blade: YAS!
Shadow Mangle: * sees Anti * can I help u with that ?
Nimphia: *takes off her apron and hangs it on a hook*
Shadow Mangle: I’m also a demon soul
Mangle : yay thx Nimphia
Nimphia: *takes the macrons out and starts to pipe the filling*
Blade: same
Nimphia: *puts a shard of carmel on each macron* finished!
Blade: yum!
Shadow Mangle : * gets a macron * yass
Nimphia: *passes them out* *takes one and eats it* these are some of my best yet!
Blade: *eats macron* these are delicious
Mangle : * eats hers * OMG these r so good show me how to make them
Nimphia: sorry I can't. I keep my recipes secret.
(I am back ppl) Nebula: *is still a husky**growls at Anti* grrrrrrrrrrrr
Luna: YAY!
Luna: *takes one*
Mangle : ok np * eats more macrons
Nimphia: *gives her another macron*
Mangle : I’m ganna join Neb * turns to a baby fox * yay
Nebula: *walks over to Anti and bites him* grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Mangle : * bites with Neb * grrrr
and me
Luna: *continues eating macaroons, watching everyone cautiously*
Nebula: *looks at Vincent* grrrr.... (Very thoon.....)
(lol, memes)
anyone on?
(i am!)
(I’m on! I’m just at cheer practice so I’m having slow replies)
(ok, cool) Nebula: *growls at Anti and Vincent* Grrrrrrrrr..... (VERY THOOOOON......)
Mangle :thx
Mangle: sup
Luna: It’s cold in here
Nebula: grrrrrrrrrrr..... (VERY VERY THOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!)
Mangle : lol
(I’m back)
lolz. xD)