Clicking This Fills You With Determination 



Clicking This Fills You With Determination Hmmmmm

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MY INTERNET PARTY FREN AYYEYEEEEE what's up?? You're like The Most Awesome Memer I've ever met (not irl)(ok probably irl) (even though I haven't met you) I want to say so many things right now, but when I type my thoughts, they just come out stupid and cheesy. I hope you have a great night/day.πŸ™‚πŸ˜˜πŸ’•
omg my smol bean child. I must keep u in my back pocket so I can keep u safe from this scary world. I shall put u in a jar with holes in the lid (so u don't suffocat) so I can keep ur cuteness. I am inspired by ur personality on niceness to every living soul. LIKE HOW. u r amazing and beautiful. so u better not forget it
hey, I hope you know how awesome I think you are. If you don't believe me, listen to this. Almost every day you put a smile on my face. No, it's not because of the things you post, it's the captions. The captions are where you get to express yourself, and I feel like every time I read yours I feel happier. And if that doesn't prove anything, than how about this. YOU are one of my favorite people on this app. YOU are amazing. YOU a tremendous, stupendous, and terrific.
you are absolutely hilarious and sweet. you make a lot of people happy and you're an overall great person. also you're fΓ»cking adorable & v supportive & you arent afraid to express who u are. ly (:
your rad and a e s t e t h i c I want to be frens and relate πŸ‘…πŸ‘πŸ˜«