So I don't whether do a contest or giveaway for 700(tygsm(thank you guys so much) for 700!)so comment ⭐️ for giveaway or ✨ for contest! I'm watching Dan and Phil's latest video now,because I went kind of school shopping today(continued in comments)


CLICK So I don't whether do a contest or giveaway for 700(tygsm(thank you guys so much) for 700!)so comment ⭐️ for giveaway or ✨ for contest! I'm watching Dan and Phil's latest video now,because I went kind of school shopping today(continued in comments)

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yep pretty much
and I GOT A FLUTE!!! if you didn't know,I play the flute,and last year I rented my school's flute(this is my 2nd year),but I got a flute as my birthday present! but now I can't get the new nightstand that I wanted😭,but I'm trying to make money by doing chores to buy some of the other,cheaper,things off my birthday list and a Big Joe chair,as well a YouTuber(s) book(THE AMAZING BOOK IS NOT ON FIRE!!! I REALLY WANT IT!! but if it put it on my birthday list,my mom or dad might read it,and uuumm,that wouldn't be good)
same about the book... my mum wouldn't care, but my dad might question it...
yes we have been watching youtube all summer