thought I’d post some appreciation for mi amor


thought I’d post some appreciation for mi amor

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you posted it 🥰
it looks brighter here than the remix 😂
oops 😂
it’s oksy
posted itttt
imwhere biw
misss youuuuy
lower wages, discrimination against women, catcalling, periods, sexualization
having the fattest aśs 😎
will you be on tonight? i need your company
just had a bit of an off day
i just finished my shower, so i’ll be on now
i’ve had high anxiety i guess for a couple of days now, i was afraid i might have a panic attack at some point
that’s what it felt like
it’s okay
everyday isn’t perfect
i also want to spend time with you cause i don’t know if i’ll be on tomorrow night, unless im on later in the night
i think what i need is a glass of wine
maybe something stronger
goodddd, i’ll be busy during the day on sunday but after six im all yours
good :)
maybe temporarily
aw my baby :(
you got this, you’re smart and a hard worker :)
okay, that’s fine
i knowwww, but it’ll be worth it
you dooooo 🥰
mm no i don’t rely on wine *sits down at the table* i rely on something much stronger, like tequila
sure, but don’t expect me to know muchhhh 😂
*takes a sip from my glass and giggles as i shrug* im kidding, i might have a glass or two of wine after a long day, but i don’t drink anything strong unless im out partying or with friends just for fun, it’d have to be something bad to get me to drink like that.. just for my problems to go away. it’s the same thing with getting high, i don’t do that often
hmm okayyyy, why don’t you teach me about it? that could help you prepare and learn if you try to help someone else learn about it? does that make sense?
i didn’t know but after a while, i figured out it was you :) i did respond to it
*nods and listens to you as you speak, looking at you* yea i get it, i don’t want to make you uncomfortable or uneasy. i don’t want you to worry about me doing any of that, im more.. loving and silly when im not sober, i might ask a stupid question or cling to you like my life depended on it and tell you over and over how much i love you, but i would never intentionally hurt you or hannah ever
im glad you’ll have someone to help you :)
*smiles at you and wraps up in a blanket, nodding as i listen* golgj apparatus.. post office.. delivering proteins and attaches more to send to different areas of the cell
i didn’t know when i answered it, but your compliments sounded just like that one and it made sense, i could also tell by the way you type
mm some girls might and some might not, but i do
*nods and grins, taking another sip of my wine* yea.. better together :)
hehe darling 🥰 i have that tattooed on my arm
mhm *nods and smiles, resting my head against your arm as i look down at your notes*
you diddddd, i have to check my tell again 😂
*giggles and shakes my head* i don’t expect you to do that, i can do that with mere
*pulls up my sleeve and looks down at my arm, pointing to it* right here
*nods and looks up at you* certain things? like what?
okay :)
*takes another sip and puts my glass down, resting my head on your chest* i promise to try to protect you and hannah at all times rather than hurt you
mm not really? i guess i used to say it alot though and i like when im called that 🥰
okay mister biology major *giggles* now im learning things i should’ve already know again 😂 but this time it’s more interesting and i want to pay attention, hmm
i’ll never tell
have i hurt you before? *frowns a little and looks up at you*
i saw your tell 🙊
I’m okay I just don’t feel good and ty
maybeeeee, you’re a good teacher. i’d actually go to class if you were teaching it *grins and looks at you*
I just want my fiancé:(
i’m sorry i hurt you, i really didn’t know :( my responses to him got alot slower and eventually stopped the more i started to talk to you. i had no idea you felt that way so soon and we were already doing that before me and you started talking. im sorry you had to see that and feel that way
no she won’t she’s busy this weekend so I’ll just be sad all weekend
i saw 🙊
shhhhhh no one has to knowwwww, im there to.. learn *giggles and lays on my stomach, watching you*
yes i am and what are you going to do about it? hmm
mhmmm and seeee, that didn’t work and look at how things turned out *grins and kisses your cheek* i know you were worried about my ex too, im glad he did come back and become an aśs, you dont have to worry about him anymore and i wouldn’t have went back to him anyway after what he’s done
respectfully, yes
i know, but no one should be concerned about who either of us are fxxking anyway, we’re adults 🙄 *giggles and shakes my head as turn to you when you lay down* hi
you know what happened last night when i did that 😳
i’m glad it didn’t listen *nods and closes my eyes as i relax, grabbing one of your hands to hold* i know i’d be worried too if i were you, i understand why you would be with the history i had with him and the way i had talked about him before, but i couldn’t trust him anymore and it was the same cycle over and over again
i’ll roll my eyes if i want to sir *giggles more and blushes as i hide my face in the blanket* ahhhh.. hello handsome
no don’t do you dare make me suffer 😡
i thought he was.. maybe he still is in a way, atleast our friendship was and is something i’ll cherish while it lasted, but maybe that’s all we should’ve ever been? i regret it for certain reasons but i also don’t i guess? i don’t know *shrugs a little and looks at you as i nod* i did feel that way a little and i guess that’s why i didn’t stop with the guy sooner, i thought you might still be trying to get over your ex and still felt something for her, you sounded very sad about it and that’s normal, but the way you talked about it made it sound like you still felt something
to your tell
*blushes more and looks up at your eyes for a moment* everyone always talks about how pretty blue eyes or green eyes are.. but they never talk about brown eyes. they’re just as beautiful, especially in the sun
i mean yea.. cool whatever
you’re right.. everything we did led us here to where we are now, to this moment and i don’t regret that at all *scrunches my nose when you kiss it and smiles as i rub mine on yours* it was a shixtty way to get here, but we’re here
that sounds familiar 😂
they do, very beautiful and exude mystery *smiles and looks at you* they’re brown
really 😏
what’s stopping you
it might sound corny *shrugs and smiles* but i wouldn’t change a thing either
i know i said that, it was sarcasm 🙄
oh shixt, maybe i need to start wearing my glasses again 😂
that hasn’t stopped you before
*kisses you back and pulls away from you for a moment* don’t roll your eyes at me sir
*smiles wide and looks at your eyes as i whisper* i love you aaron valentine
yea i think i’ve had enough surprises 😂 i need to see my doctor so i have no more babiessss at all
mm yes i will bite you grrrr *tries not to laugh and growls at you*
*shakes my head and smiles* nooooo, not more than me pretty boy
i don’t have an attitude 🙄
before i said that, something told me they weren’t brown but i said noooooo they are brown w tf😂
that won’t be anytime soon though so i have to make sure im taking my birth comtrollll
*squeals and jumps back then starts to laugh* what the hxll was that 😂
*kisses you back and looks at you for a moment as i try to remember* um..
i have freckles
seeeeee so i wasn’t wrong 🙄
i dooooo, i always remember cause im responsible 😌
im hearing alot of talk coming from you but you haven’t done shixt 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
they don’t look like diarrhea, they’re beautiful like the color of.. green grapes 😡
*laughs and throws a pillow at you* you startled me for a moment, but you did look ridiculous 😂
*blushes and cups your cheek, kissing you back gently* mm so do you
wow.. if i ever go missing you have the perfect description 😂 but wow.. you really pay attention to me
meh meh my áśš 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
oh shut it, your eyes look like icky mold 🙄
i’m deleting that bio 😂
*laughs hard and grabs another pillow to throw at you* animals don’t talk
i’d never went to wake up, ever *smiles wide and looks up at you* as long as you’re there
to detail as much as you do? probably not, im.. simple 😂
and you enjoyed every second of it 😏
you can’t type 😂
maybe if your hungry aśs wasn’t sxxking all of the moisture and lip balm off of my lips, they wouldn’t be that way 🙄
deleting it
*giggles as my eyes start to tear up and shakes my head* it’s done, it’s over 😂
mm you do *nods and smiles* but I’ll never get tired of hearing it from you
mhm, felt so good inside of me 😩
aaron *laughs harder as my face starts to turn red and my eyes are watering*
mi guapo amorrrr ❤️❤️
mm your favorite food is pasta? your favorite artist is chase atlantic and one of your favorite songs by them is slow down, you love strawberry milk and it’s your comfort drink, you don’t like peaches, your major is biology, you don’t like yelling or being swore at, you are a waffle guy no pancakes, your favorite spiderman is miles morales and you relate to the character adrian the most
mm mm mmm your fingers are magical
and the dirty talk 😩
hehe and the praise and all of that or when the guy is possessive as well, you know 😩
noooo don’t die *laughs and slides off of the bed , onto the floor*
why did you say you’re welcome 😂
i pay attention as well :) maybe not in every little detail as you do, but i pay attention
i need to go to bed before i.. yea 😂
you doooo 😩
treat me like the little slxt i am then treat me like a princess afterwards 😌
okay babe, it’s 3 for me and if you can’t tell im tired 😂 i love you and i hope you sleep well, have a good day at work tomorrow. i should be on for a while when you get off, my plans aren’t until a little later that night (if they still happen) i love you mi amor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
good morning 🥰
i know :( im going to miss you
my back hurts :(
i hope you have a good day at work ❤️ don’t let the girls get too flirty with you 🙄
i miss you alotttt
i feel extra clingy today
i haven’t :(
yea, i think it’s how i slept
good cause im going to cling to you
im extra clingy and sassy and ugh, hormones 😂
i am very sassy
kiss me
*smiles and pecks your lips back*
baby baby
i love your green moldy eyes
your smooth skin
your soft lips
your cute little freckles
how red you get when i say something that makes your heart do loopy loops
how big your smile gets when i compliment you
your laugh
your love for your little sister
how gentle you are
how hardworking you are
the way you shake your head to move your hair back from your eyes
double spam 🥰
hehe pretty moldy eyes
i love them on you
how can i not 🥰
aw :( that’s okay, i might be on? i won’t know for sure until it gets to that time
*giggles and grins as i give you a hug* im glad it made your day feel better, im sorry it wasn’t the best day
i love you so so so so so much more and i’ll miss you too ❤️
i love you more
what :( im sorry baby *frowns and rubs your cheek with my thumb* if i was i would’ve- 😡
good, im glad they protected you or else i’d get all of them too *smiles and hugs you*
aw my baby, you’ve had a busy day
i was waiting for your notification 🥰
i’m only mean when i need to be and i get really mean *nods and grins* i have to protect the people i love
i hope you’re relaxing now baby
yes hehe i have nothing else to do right now and id rather talk to you :)
really? what? 🥺
i do love you *giggles when you kiss all over my face* sunshine and grumpy cloud? i’ve never heard it, but i like it
okay baby, don’t work too hard though
yea 🥰
*goes with you and gasps, smiling wide as i look at the mug and the glass* baby they’re so cute 🥺 ahh you were thinking of me while you were shopping 🥰
*smiles and stands up* i’ll make one for you, what would you like?
talking to you is more fun
*gasps and nods as i look at them* oh yes, i don’t drink coffee but during the winter we can drink hot cocoa out of our matching cups in our matching pajamas 🥺
yes really, i’ll be right back *smiles and goes into the kitchen, grabbing the carrots and ranch*
it’s my favorite part too 🥰
and sit by the fire together *smiles wide and looks at you* i can’t wait 🥰
*puts some on a platter and smiles as i make the carrots into the shape of a heart, grabs a strawberry milk for you as well before coming back*
no *shakes my head and grins* halloween is
*smiles and sits down, placing your strawberry milk on the table and the plate in your lap* hehe i thought it would be cute
i do alot
i like to dress up with the kids 🥰 what did hannah dress up as last year?
*kisses you back and smiles* anything for you, you always treat me like a princess and you deserve to be treated like a prince.. no, a king ❤️
my heart does loopy loops for you
that’s cute 🥺 ella was an angel a couple of years ago. i love halloween costumes :)
hmm then your other partners were doing it all wrong *shakes my head and grins, taking your hand* you’re right :)
the first time we cuddled
yes, i’d love that
wow *frowns a little and rubs your arm* that shouldn’t happen for us
i started to :)
*holds your hand and looks at you as i nod* i don’t and i won’t
yea 🥰
*nods and frowns* im sorry :( how long did you stay after that? before ending it?
yea 🥰🥰
okay baby :( i love you and i hope you feel better, talk to you tomorrow i hope :) ❤️
iwoove youyyyy
soos michuuu
houe so cuteeee
ks meee
haha i might’ve.. 😅
okay, i should be home soon :) i love you and have a good day
i’ll miss you too
miss you
where are youuuuuu
i might go to sleep soon if you don’t come on :(
sorry about last night
it’s okay
nevermind that
i missed you too
*kisses you back and grins* always
*nods* i am, i had alot to do today and i had to wake up early today
no stop, i don’t want to go
not anymore
just tired, but im okay
no, i haven’t talked to you all day and you’re trying to get me to leave :(
*yawns and holds onto you*
*closes my eyes and grins* me too
im staying until i fall asleep
*yawns again and smiles as i bury my face in your chest* your warm and you smell good
im just tired and grumpy, it’s okay
mm i always do *shrugs a little and pulls up the blanket* i don’t know why im always cold
yea and i missed you
and my head is hurting
what a great excuse *opens my eyes a little and looks up at you when you move *
alot and now tomorrow is monday which means we’ll have work and you have school so we’d have to wait all day to talk :(
no, i don’t need one
*giggles and closes my eyes again as i snuggle with you* okay good
i guess
*intertwines our fingers and grins as i slowly begin to drift off*
no :(
*falls into a deep sleep in your arms, holding onto you as i sleep*
*snores lightly as i sleep*
good morning baby, im sorry i was grumpy last night.. i was tired and i didn’t feel good but i wanted to talk to you :) i love you ❤️
i couldn’t be mean to you, you didn’t do anything wrong. i just like talking to you so i was trying to stay awake so i could of i’d be upset about it the next day. im feeling a little better, my headache is gone but i feel a little nauseous this morning. i’ll be okay, i love you and i’ll talk to you soon ❤️
im homeeeee
i missed you
hiii :)
Jedi is a friend of mine- don’t look at me like thattt☺️
shhhh ☺️
he is pretty sweet though, I’ll admit it :)
im here now 🥰
that’s good baby
it’s okay, i still like it :)
then draw oneeeee
i just showered
yes you can
you shouldn’t, it’s good and better than what i can do 😂
no i never draw
hehe you are tallll
mhm 🥰
have funnnnn
*smiles and stands up on my tippy toes, kissing your lips*
not much, i don’t draw 😂
a very handsome, friendly slendermen
aw haha that’s cute, im not much of a doodler though, i can color a coloring page but that’s it 😂
draw what
*smiles and lets my lips linger on yours for a moment before pulling away* mm hehe that made my day better than it already was🥰
you’re welcome
im not an artist
*giggles and hugs you* that’s cute, you’re cute.. you could say the most corniest, most cheesiest things and it’s the cutest thing
i have to think of what to draw then, it’s going to be something simple
*looks up at you and crosses my arms* i do not look like that
it better be your wallpaper, forever
noooooo i don’t *pouts and keeps my arms crossed* i don’t know what you’re talking about
if i don’t think of something tonight, i will tomorrow
nooooo im not grrrr *turns away to hide my face*
okay :) if it’s your lock screen i want it to look.. decent lmaooo
yes i am cause im NOT grumpy *turns back to you and smiles* see?
if i make this it’s going on your lock screen
sitting cute
i’m not grumpy, im a happy cloud *smiles and scrunches up my nose*
oh hehe 🥰🥰
*giggles and smiles, kissing you back when you kiss my lips* this happy cloud loves you and your sweet kisses
yea.. beautiful day
what kind of potions
hehe lucky you then 🥰 i used to feel a little insecure about it, i don’t know whyyyyy
we dooooo *smiles and kisses you back* we’re the cutest duo
wow.. how is that 😂
yea, i try to learn to love myself :)
yea *smiles and looks at you* i’m bored, let’s play a game
oh no 😂
sometimes i do and my confidence is high, but sometimes my confidence is very low too.. right now i don’t have as much confidence as i usually do
yea, we’re playing a game
she’s funny
i know :)
okay, i love you :) i’ll be here
this is why i don’t draw
i was making your doodle and i was having a hard time with one part
i almost had it, i was almost done
i finally for it
my stupid fxxking phone shut down
my hard work is gone and im mad
it just pxssed me off
that’s cute
i did
it’s frustrating
it was good enough
yea.. but you didn’t get to see it
i don’t draw, i don’t like drawing, i can’t draw but i did it for you
because i can’t draw
okay *nods and watches you*
*looks at the page and nods* are you sure we should do it in your journal? you always write in here
okay *grins and takes the pencil as i look down at the page* i want to draw something that is easy to draw
i’ll probably leave to go to sleep in twenty minutes :)
okay *grins and thinks for a moment before i start to draw*
like vanilla and cinnamon? *messes up and frowns a little as i erase it and try again*
*smiles and blushes as i stop drawing for a moment to look at you* thank you baby
i think you skipped a line in the song 😂
you can get a kissss
thank you *blushes more and looks down at the journal* i feel prettier when i do my makeup
make the stars look like they’re not shining
i think ella has a competition tomorrow
im going to sleep now, i have to wake up earlyyyyyy.. in a few hours and we don’t want a grumpy mariah 😂 i love you and i hope you have a good sleep, i’ll talk to you in the morning i love you ❤️
have pleasant dreams.. about me 😏
i’ll miss youuuuu
good morninggggg my love, i hope you have a great day today :) i love youuuuu mi amor ❤️
i might have a surprise 🥰
for youuuuuu
ah mr busy
her competition is later in the evening, she’s at school right now.. but thanks :)
it’s okay
thanks :)
okay baby, i’ll talk to you later :) you’re an hour behind me so it feels like i have a longer wait :( i’ll miss you and i love you ❤️
im here
hi Aaron! -mere
thank you ☺️
how are you
thank you! i’m really good
no i don’t but she seemed fine when i talked to her
maybe but if she seems different with you then i suggest trying to ask her about it
i told her to talk with words and more than just a few, maybe that’ll help you 😂
you have to push her a little to talk sometimes
no problem! i use to live with her so i know how her moods and habits
oh i will 😂
maybe you guys will have a little niece or nephew ☺️
fingers crossed
i know, i have one and he’s a handful sometimes 😂
mariah has 6 😂
we can go swimming sometime
thank you baby
me and a few friends were hanging around the pool :) in the top photo on the left i was going to the gym and the bottom right was a pajama and movie night
i try to spend time with them when our schedules aren’t too full :)
yea :) sometimes people forget about their other friends and family and important priorities when they’re in a relationship :( your relationship should be a top priority but not the only priority
i know, im smart 🥰
HAHA yea😏
you always notice the outline when i don’t 😂
oh hehe 🥰
my little tummy
don’t say sorryyyy
yea you doooo 😂
in love love love love 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
there’s nothing wrong with admiring your girlfriend 😌
you pay attention to detail very well
yea 🥰🥰
there’s nothing wrong with that, i do sometimes
a remix
good 🥰
yes, drawing is hard and it causes stress for me, i gave up on the spiderman
yea, i know you like drawing so i did it anyway
i saw something about it last minute, so i wanted to make you a remix cause you deserve ittt :)
it’s okayyyy, i don’t know if we were dating then
i might give in and do it occasionally because you like it, but that’s it 😂
im glad you like it 🥰
i don’t know, drawing isn’t really my thing? i’ll paint but i can’t draw 😂 i don’t know, maybe i’ll decide to try it once
mhm i love you ❤️
you can next time
welllll i already told you a while ago i don’t draw, it’s just not my thing and i’ve tried it.. we’re not always going to like the same activities and i hope you’re not upset about that.
yea it was fun and if you don’t like it that’s okay too, we’re not always going to like everything the other person does.. that can be something i do myself on my own time with my friends
goodddd :)
yea, i paint with mere sometimes
we’ll see
we can paint together then, that can be the artsy activity we do together ❤️
good 🥰 i’ll only go with you or my friends
yeaaa cause i love youuuuu 🥰
yessss, i hope i don’t fall asleep
go out with my friends?
okay 🥰
where are we painting at
okay, do you need help?
yea i know that, i was asking if you needed help carrying anything
*sits on the floor and takes the canvas* what do you mean
yes im okay *looks down at my canvas then turns to you* what colors do you have
okay *nods and thinks for a moment* no, im fine
can we paint now? *picks up the paint and opens it*
aaron, nothing is bothering me
im just tired
ha the tummy
no face this time
you’re cuter
it’s still cuteeee
maybe 🤔
that’s not a bad scent
mhm ❤️
yes 🥰
you’re welcome baby
hehe hood
good^ GRRR
*giggles and takes it, putting it on as i smell it* mm it does smell like you
is that a bad thing? *giggles*
*giggles and goes over to a mirror to look at myself in it* it does look good on me and it’s big 😂 *grins and turns to you* you would look hot and maybe you could steal my hoodies
i have some oversized sweatshirts and hoodies, all of my clothes aren’t tight 😂 *giggles and nods* that’s a good idea
they make me look good *giggles and looks up at you* you have to wear it sometimes so it can keep your scent, we can share it
i’ve imagined you working before? i’ve imagined coming in while your working and ordering a drink, how cute you look while making it and when you write my name on my cup, you leave a cute little message 🥰 *smiles and looks at us in the mirror* we’re cute
do i do all of that enough? do i need to do it more?
then we find a book both of us like and we look through it together and we decide to read it and talk about it 🥰
yeaaaaa i know i don’t do the stroking part, but i’ll try to :) i usually send paragraphs when i make remixes, i’ll try to write one every once in a while. that’s one thing i used to do alot, write paragraphs in the middle of the night for someone when he was asleep or when i could, but that didn’t seem to be appreciated so i stopped? not only for that reason but.. im not sure what happened? the last few years have been weird since the pandemic and i’ve noticed alot of changes in myself mentally and emotionally and even in relationships.. i never told you this but.. during the pandemic when i was still with my ex, he got really mad at me for something and he treated me terribly and made me feel terribly about it.. he treated me so badly it drove me to try to commit and thankfully it didn’t happen, but i felt really bad afterwards for scaring everyone.. for letting him do that to me and when i woke up, he was right there telling me how much he loved me and how he was going to take care of me.. then he left me a few months later lmaoo, but since then all of that has changed me and effected me so much. but i will try my best to love like that again, to love you the way you want to be loved
i want to try to read again, not just for us but for me too.. i want to try to take care of myself more and make time for me, to try learning my healthy habits again? after saying all of that up there^ it made me realize i haven’t taken the time to take care of myself or think about myself? ever since that happened, i haven’t been the same and maybe that’s what ive been missing the entire time? i lost a part of myself then and i never tried to get it back
i didn’t know she did that. im sorry im bringing it up, but i guess telling you all of this is a better way to explain why i think and act certain ways sometime? i hxte talking about him, but he did cause alot of damage to me and he was even an áss to ella sometimes. when he was treating me badly, he was even trying to get the kids to do it too.. that hurt alot. he was definitely emotionally and mentally abusive, manipulative and controlling
yes :)
she’s so cute 🥺 she’s a great little sister
im not mad at her for telling you, she’s protective and looking out for me :) and i know, he would tell ella if she didn’t listen to him he would send her away to her dad or when her dad tried to come see her, he got really mad and he didn’t want ella to be around her dad and that’s why he got so mad at me and he insulted me in front of the kids, he threw my rings down a drain, he would take the kids into other rooms away from me, he took another girl on a date and brought her back home, it was terrible.. all because a father wanted to be in his daughter’s life
maybe we could set up a time for her and ella to meet soon? sometime this week?
i don’t know, he’s done other bad things too, things i should’ve left him for alot sooner.. but the truth was, i was afraid to leave because i didn’t think anyone else would love me.. and what he showed me wasn’t love, but i felt like if i didn’t stay with him, i wouldn’t have anyone to love me or the kids anymore? i didn’t think anyone would want a single mom
waittttt, don’t you want to meet my mom tomorrow?
haha i know that now :) but was i really insecure and so sure no one would love me again, but he didn’t love me.. not as much as he claimed to love me, but any time he told me he did i thought it was true
yea :(
whatever you want babe
i know :)
okay :)
guess who’s having a baby? me ☺️
thank you ☺️
i just found out, i don’t know the gender
thank you! im excifed
oh? do i want to know? 😂
haha it’s okay, you’d be surprised 😂
i assume it would be consensual
you could but i don’t know what i can say 😂
it doesn’t sound like you’re using protection though 😂
yea 😂
uh huh 😏
i have to tell kayson soon
i think you two would have a cute baby!
oh okay, i guess six is alot already
maybe you can in the future when the kids are older? i know it must be hard taking care of six kids alone, physically and financially
she also did trust the last guy to have a kid with her and he left when she was born, something like that happening is tough
yea i’m sorry :( but who knows? it could change in the future
you’re a great guy aaron, i hope you two stay together forever
no problem, you seem like a great guy for Mariah and that’s all i really want
out of all of the sisters she has, i’m the best 😌
we have five siblings 😂
including mariah, i have three sisters and two brothers
that might be because im the only one you talk to 😂
no i don’t ewwwww, i look better now
i do now
i look fine now
i look the same, but i look better now
i don’t like the way i used to do my makeup or take pictures
sometimes i had good moments
okay :)
yea we do :)
i posted something 🥰
oh stop itttt
you’re welcome 🥰
on your knees? 😳
order you around? tie you up? 😳
you told mariah?
i can’t believe you told her
i’m kidding, it’s okay
no! i was messing with you, i didn’t want to take it too far though. i’d feel bad if i made you feel really bad
i’m sorry 😂
i could’ve done worse but i don’t like to be mean or hurt anyone’s feelings 🙂
i don’t know but im not THAT crazy 😂
oh 😳
you’re not.. scared? both of you are crazy
thank you :)
it’s really cute
me too
oh no🙈 maybe thats something you two can do together if you find it hot.. 😂
yes or tell them to mar and not me, maybe you two can.. yeah 😂
yea 😂
im okay, what about you?
the baby is good i hope :) im going to see my doctor soon
it’s okay
okay, talk to you later aaron ☺️
what did you do 😡
because I don’t trust guys 😡
well I said I was sorry
I’m not talking about it anymore
three smiles 🥰
you said previous 😂
thank you 🥰
haha you can’t type
good 🥰
whenever i take pictures smiling, i’ll send them to you
i broke you 😳
good, i like to look at them
i like to see your face
i haven’t seen the second movie
the first one was all over tiktok, especially the guy but i forgot his name 🥵
only fans? 😏
they are squishy 🥰 the bottom photo is an old picture, when my hair was blonde and blue
i don’t send 🙄
nooooo *giggles and grabs your hand to pull you up
i have to look at you when i wake up and throughout my day when i miss you 🥰
oh 😂
are you lost baby girl 😏 yes sir 😩
me too 😳
is your heart racing? palms sweaty? 😏
i only like to send them to you 🥰
you can do it *laughs and holds you up*
aw hehe 🥰
im lost 😏
hehe it’s getting hot in here
silly aaron 😂
you did it *giggles and kisses your cheek, rubbing your leg*
oh really? show me 😏
no, it’s youuuuu
i love your nerdiness
i know 😂
needs are sexy 😂
nerds are so cute when they get excited about facts they want to share 🥰
mine too 😂
he won’t even put on his pajamas / mommy a tattletale *pouts and looks at you* no sleep
no 😠
i love when you do that 🥰
oh? like what? care to elaborate or even.. demonstrate? 😏
no 😡
yes 🥰
yes please, you know im a visual learner 😏
i was waiting patiently 😌
they look like they’re closed when i laugh 😂
oh? 😏 *smirks and lays down on the bed*
it’s okay, it was worth the wait
it looks weird 😂
*looks at the set up and smirks* perfect, we have to get all of the angles
yes it doessss
you’re welcome baby
all on my own 🥰
i love you so much ❤️
i love loving you
i love it baby 🥰
aw baby 🥺
you always make me smile
and melt
did i tell you my mom took a picture of the bouquet you gave her? she was showing it to everyone and bragging
hehe 🥰
yes she was 🥰
so do you ❤️
i wasn’t there but she told me about it, she was saying how sweet you are :)
can you get any more perfect 🥺
she does, you might be her favorite now
my last name?
you areeee
you want my last name?
don’t tell mere 😂
i know baby, but you want to have my last name?
yea 😂
she does
not all of them, ethan and the twins have their dads last name and so does scarlett
mariah valentine 🥰
whoa 😳 i wouldn’t stop you 😏
thank you baby
hehe you are
oh baby 🥰 thank you :)
i’ll look at it
it wouldn’t be 😂
they wish
thank you ❤️
hey sorry about the other day I was out of it and I apologize if I said anything rude I don’t remember any of it honestly
hey! sorry, im about to go to sleep. what happened?
she rarely ever does and if she won’t then you can’t force her. as long as she’s eating something everyday that’s good, it’s better than nothing
if that’s a goal she wants to work towards then go for it, but take it a step at a time
i know and i do try to, you don’t think i try? i know you really care about her but mariah has been that way for years, that’s how her appetite is and we can only do so much to try to encourage her and help her
her body might just be used to that now? i think she also got nauseous alot when eating? i don’t know if that’s a reason why she doesn’t but i’ve suggested talking to her doctor
i’m not around her often but i know about it and im not sure if she has
oh.. my god 😆
oh my gosh I would cry if someone did that forme 🥺
that’s such a beautiful way to propose 🥺
aw that s^ks ☹️ maybe she’ll get more excited?
but I totally understand, you wanna ask her when he’s excited 🙃
so when’s the wedding? what should i wear?
the freckles you have are adorable aaron x
i was at the gymmmm
im not always colddddd, only sometimes
thank you :)
i don’t remember what i was listening to
a playlist? 🥺
i’ve never had anyone make a playlist before 🥰
we need songs for our wedding
if we’re having one
hmm are we having one? what are we doing for our wedding?
okay, the playlist is okay.. we just have to think about the song for our dance and i need one to walk down the isle
really? 🥺
i don’t see it
got ittt
yes i do, i just saved it
hi aaron -mere
how are you
i’m doing okay thanks
we’re alright
yes, i just miss him
you commented on mine too 🥰
i remember the first remix too, so much has changed
yes, this post tells other girls to back off 😡
im special, i made you a special post and you posted it 🥰
other girls wish they could do that
i didn’t know it was that dark, i could read it 😂
hehe im glad you liked it
that drawing pxssed me off, it was hard to draw the first time and the app crashed when i was done
hehe thank you baby 🥰
my mom loves you
the kids love you too
you have big hands
so many comments to respond to 😂
yes i was looking at your photo dumps, i love looking at you
good, i wasn’t going to give it back 😂
you are, you’re cute when you’re focused
me neither, i can’t cry during our wedding or i’ll ruin my makeup
but it would be worth it
yes i did
yes they do 😳
i said you are very hot.. then i said something else 😳
i did notice that
im glad you liked it 🥰
very special
i assume they do
i wear glasses too 😂
i hxte pc sometimes 😂
*nods and looks at the freckles* yea i’ve seen them in the picture :)
big hands 😏
yes but.. i like it
hehe okay
hehe 😏
i appreciate you and everything you do too ❤️
im your special girl 🥰
i wear contacts 😂
i like your clothes because they smell like you
oh really? maybe they can warm up my lips *looks up at you and blushes before kissing your lips*
*looks down at your hands and giggles* ooohhh veins, i like veins 😏
don’t try to change the subject 😏
we are 🥰
yes you are mi amor 🥰
i wear them sometimes
i’d like that alot 😏
*smiles and looks up at you* mm nice and warm and tastyyyy
*smiles and takes your hand, feeling your veins* i like them alot
right now? 😏
because i like to hold your hands
fineeeee, i’ll let you keep some of them
*kisses your cheek and smiles* mine all mine
yes it does *continues to stroke your hand and looks at your rings* you have alot of rings
i like the sound of that, ive been a good girl this year.. most of the time 😏
i can only say so much 😂
i love you too
hxll no
speaking of strippers, i can have a bachelorette party now 😏
mhm then why do i see one of my hoodies in your closet
*looks up at you and shrugs* i guess so, not as much as usual. why?
they dooooo *smiles and lets go of your hands* you are dominant, i like dominance
mm i love cream pies 😏
i don’t know what im doing for that party
a wizard? in your closet? 🤔
i do trust you, wayyyyy more than you think *nods and looks at you* i still worry sometimes, but i trust you
hehe well i like it *smiles and blushes when you kiss my hands*
hehe 😳
there will be margaritas at my party, i want margaritas 😌
i don’t know if i want to do anything big, im only going to have some friends
i guess so *nods and wraps my arms around you*
*looks up at yours and smiles* i like you, i love you 🥰
hehe you can give me my cream pie tonight 😏
i don’t know what i want to do yet
no you’re notttt
*hugs you and shrugs* i hope not, i don’t want to
i love you more
i won’t let myself fall asleep this time
wellll, i’ll try not to
i will soon, when are we having the wedding?
yes you are
still have worries? yes i do, i might still worry until we’re actually married and living together.. the engagement is when things usually fall apart for me so.. yes im still worried right now
hehe 🥰
i know
hmm okay, we have to make sure it isn’t on the same day as kacy and avas
yea, it’s happened a few times
recently you have
okay, ahhhhh we’re getting married 🥰
welllll a little but not that much
then why don’t you communicate? im sorry if i didn’t reassure you or cheer you up the way you wanted me too
you also know how i feel about the situation with angeline and for the last few days angeline has just been mentioned over and over and over
im sorry, it was taking me longer than it should’ve to get to that point
wouldn’t it make you feel atleast a little uneasy if i was friends with someone who liked me? it makes me a little uneasy but i also wouldn’t ever make you end your friendship or choose between us or anything because even though it does make me feel that way, i trust you and i want you to have friends and not control who you’re with or make decisions for you, i just got tired of constantly hearing about her especially when you were gone for a few days and you’ve been with her, i don’t care about or for angeline
i understand that
that doesn’t make me very happy either because she did a shixtty thing to you and she hurt you
i do admire you all of the time, but besides that.. yes that’s the difference between you and me, you’re quick to comfort others and that’s okay, i do try to, sometimes i’ll admit that i let how i feel dictate my actions at certain times, other times i might not know how to react or how to comfort you? everyone grows up different, it’s like.. when some people don’t know how to react when others cry or they don’t have advice for certain situations, maybe you grew up with comfort all of the time when you were sad, others didn’t have that, they had isolation, they were yelled at, their feelings didn’t feel validated, you have to look at it that way too.. i wasn’t always comforted when i was sad or needed someone, but i do still try to help when i can. this time it was me and my feelings though, so im sorry i let that interfere
but other times i really don’t know how to respond to you or the best way to help
yea it really sxcks
fxxk her and im not saying that because of how i feel, im saying that because of how she treated you, she’s not a friend. a friend wouldn’t do that and if she didn’t value your friendship, she’s not worth keeping in your life.. there’s other people out there to become friends with, TRUE friends. everyone is fake asf, especially girls who leave their friends for a guy
*takes your hand and nods* i think im really good at giving advice or if someone cries i’ll hug them, besides that i dont think i’ve done anything else? especially for a partner, this is the first time im being told how to comfort when your sad
i think i just need sleep
me neither and you can be upset with her, what she did wasn’t nice or fair to you.. let out your emotions
it sxcks but life is unfair, she was just another lesson and once you get through that, you’ll be stronger and the right person will come along to be your true friend
yes.. please don’t tell me one was flirting with you
*takes your other hand* it’s okay, im sorry for letting my feelings get in the way of being there for you and i’ll try to remember for next time. sometimes people only need someone to listen to them, i always listen
no problem :) i love you
i didn’t know you “borrowed” one
all im going to say is yes
i told you i’d punch her in the throat, i was serious about that
i know.. i just didn’t know how to say it or thought i was overreacting *shrugs a little and hugs you*
te amo mucho :)
most of them were put away so i haven’t noticed they were missing 😂
i shouldn’t say what i was going to say
mhm :)
*hugs you and nods* im glad we have a healthy relationship.. im not used to it being this healthy, we always get through our obstacles
no no no no no.. te amo mucho
mhm 😂
im not going to say it, you wouldn’t think it’s funny and i shouldn’t joke about it
yea *nods and looks up at you* i don’t like to go to sleep mad or upset with each other.. especially after what happened? communication is important and we should always try to communicate and understand each other
no 😡
haha 😂
mm i don’t know about this one
yea i can see that, i wonder what mine is
*looks up at your eyes and grins* it’s something i like about you too
hehe i do 😏
what? no, it’s about me
maybe i will
i really have to go now, i have to work in the morning. goodnight, i love you mi amor ❤️
thank you Aaron! x
tired, what about you?
that’s amazing
you’re perfect the way you are
you said hannah took the pictures
mhm ❤️
im not the baby, im just shortttt
you’ve said thank you alot 😂
aw we’re cute bees 🥰
i wouldn’t eat it alllll
thanks baby 🥰
i do? hehe thanks
it did make me smile :)
you tried.. that’s what matters 😂
lmaoo im sorry.. but they do 😂
there’s only about four spaghetti noodles on that plate and three meatballs
you do 😂
you like when i insult you
that was sweet of you
okay, i love you
i always like what you draw me :) i guess my insults are also a way i express my love and insults that aren’t very harmful is a way i talk to SOME people
i know :)
yea 😂
hmph i don’t like when you take away cuddles 😠
i’d punch them
mhm and it’s how you show your love, you really love me :)
i know, im so happy we have a loving and healthy relationship
then don’t be mean to me grr 😠
im hot
mhm because when i do it, its not meant to hurt you
it does :) and it is dorkyyyy, your the biggest dork i’ve ever met 😂
yes it is and sometimes it shocks me, im not used to having one this healthy
sorry 😂
you’re hot too
mhm :)
i’ve noticed that, making doodles is a big part of your love language :)
i like that too and we listen to each other and understand each other :)
confidence my love, confidence is key *grins and looks down at your hands* yea they are
i love and admire that about you ❤️
because we love each other so much and value our relationship ❤️
i thought so 😂 hehe i like looking into your eyes
mineeeee 😂
sorry, it’s a nice hat it looks like it’ll keep your head warm 😂
i am mesmerized, i keep going back to the photo to look at it 🥰
even when im not looking at it, the image is still in my head
yea.. i’ll “borrow” it 😏
especially those eyes 🤩
*blushes and nods, looking down at your arm* let me see you do itttt
i love everything about you too ❤️
im glad they will :)
mhm ❤️
seeee? im nice
hehe i do it more than you think, silently
you eat your clothes? 😂
you say that every time
i didn’t do anything 😂
i love you
no you don’t
mhm liar
im already very grateful
i already know i can’t draw, you don’t have to remind me 🙄
now you want a doodleeeee
i’ll stop being judgy 😂
hehe i knowwwww
i don’t draw at all 😂
noooooo, i just like to tease you 😂
i diddddd, im surprised i drew that 😂
i know you do 😂
i feel like i don’t have a choice
i know 😂
where did i say yes? 😂
i don’t know what to draw
if i see you doing that i will laugh at you
well if i say no you’re going to be upset
i’d rather send a paragraph but i’ll try drawing
yea that’s a good idea
it’s just not something i like to do or im interested in, but i know you like it
i don’t know, pick one 😂
hey Aaron, it’s mere :)
i’ve had better days
how are you? you’re getting married this week!
i think i just need some rest
i’ve heard about that and i can’t wait to see them and you two on your wedding day
we’re okay i guess
it’s alright, thank you.
i’m alright but thank you
happy new years aaron !
thank you :)
no, i like it
awwwww 🥰
i can tell
it’s okay, sometimes i don’t expect it anyway :)
im not lyingggg
it’s okay, it’s perfect baby
it’s embarrassing, im deleting it
it’s okay 😂
yes, i hxte it
it looks so bad
write them down
you don’t have to delete yours, yours looks great
you’re lying to me
that’s not true
you just lied
i know you lie sometimes
everyone lies
uh huh
thank you Aaron!
im in a littleeeee pain, how are you?
that’s what happens when you’re pregnant
the baby is fine, im ready for her to come out
she’s due in a couple of weeks
it’s worth the process
really? what is it?
that’s sweet of you! thank you
*takes it and smiles* well thank you
aaronnn ! hiii !
i did a little bit of soul searching, no no i could never leave but i did for my little soul searching
i’m doing better now 💙 how about you?
awww thank you aaron🩷 i found a lot to be honest
where you not doing well, aaron? ahh im happy to see you too 🤎
thank you , i appreciate youu💜
also.. remember how we planned on getting matching Spider-Man hoodies?
aww how come? yeah , i know :) mm okay💜
oh okay good :) soo i ordered matching hoodies for us and Spider-Man bracelets
aww I’m sorry about that, I feel bad for her💔 oh that’s heartbreaking to know that she’s not enjoying herself :( i’m sorry aaron
yes, i’ll remix them right now friend !
no, it’s fine :) okay, same to you to aaron 💙
maybe, she needs a break? mm let’s see, what if you take the kids away for a while as she goes to like the spa or gets a pedicure or something nice you know? i’m sure she’ll feel better with that? But i understand aaron
aahhhh i gotchu, yeah that can be sad, especially being in love with someone who’s dry while your all hyped up and their just dry, yeah cause that’ll be all messed up and she’s not gonna be happy for that special day
i know, but i just feel bad💔
and i get you aaron, but sometimes all a woman needs is time to herself..i know she’s your whole world aaron, when it comes to times like this, girls can feel like they aren’t enough or even worthy to be in a relationship..and she might not even know, just yet, how you are, maybe she’s still getting to know how she needs someone like you in her life, someone who’s really good to her, someone who’s willing to be able to take care of her. you know? maybe, I’m just say, speaking my mind aaron.. I’m sorry about all this happening to you
your welcome ❤️ aww that’s nice to know aaron !
you think so?
omggg me too, i feel like the tiktok bracelets are very cute :)
the hoodies are adorable ! I’m glad you like them aaron !
hi hi aaron :)
hi, how are you?
mm, atp nobody🤷‍♀️, hes barely on
Aaron !
hey ! how are you?
oh, i see it now
ew i look terrible when i sleep
i never said i didn’t like it
that’s good :) ive been okay :)
not when i sleep
your skills are fine
no im not
yea because of the night dress and my hair 😂
when do i ever wear a night dress 😂
you did
it’s cuteeeee
im sorryyyy
i am a meanie, i like to be a meanie
i know
no, im back ill post a bio soon :)
can I ask you something? / Kacy
nvm Aaron
nevermind I said
hi Aaron -mere
why are you worried? i’m okay
i’m not different
i’m okay.
Mariah has other things to worry about besides me
neither of you have to worry about me
thank you x
hey aaron -mere
mar just got home last night, i’ll let her know you’re here
yous welcomeeee
hehe i know
why? what song
it sounds sad
is that good or bad
okay, i will
bejeehg basvk beeaisen kaiden missesss his dedad 😭
braiden gives him bavj jwjeen needs hin
I wansns just fxkk scream 😭
nuh didn’t touch me
I want mar 😭😭😭
makes it stoppp 😭😭😭😭
i noticed that :)
i like when you draw me doodles
yes i do
yea i do :) you do a great job
*goes over to you*
then don’t
uh huh
i doooo
im already here
that’s what i saidd
i can tell :)
hehe yea
me too
go ahead
be jealous of her for what? i don’t know her or care to know her
i don’t care
about her i mean^
thank you so much 🥹
ofc your there:)