thought I’d post some appreciation for mi amor


thought I’d post some appreciation for mi amor

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oh.. my god 😆
oh my gosh I would cry if someone did that forme 🥺
that’s such a beautiful way to propose 🥺
aw that s^ks ☹️ maybe she’ll get more excited?
but I totally understand, you wanna ask her when he’s excited 🙃
the freckles you have are adorable aaron x
aaronnn ! hiii !
i did a little bit of soul searching, no no i could never leave but i did for my little soul searching
i’m doing better now 💙 how about you?
awww thank you aaron🩷 i found a lot to be honest
where you not doing well, aaron? ahh im happy to see you too 🤎
thank you , i appreciate youu💜
also.. remember how we planned on getting matching Spider-Man hoodies?
aww how come? yeah , i know :) mm okay💜
oh okay good :) soo i ordered matching hoodies for us and Spider-Man bracelets
aww I’m sorry about that, I feel bad for her💔 oh that’s heartbreaking to know that she’s not enjoying herself :( i’m sorry aaron
yes, i’ll remix them right now friend !
no, it’s fine :) okay, same to you to aaron 💙
maybe, she needs a break? mm let’s see, what if you take the kids away for a while as she goes to like the spa or gets a pedicure or something nice you know? i’m sure she’ll feel better with that? But i understand aaron
aahhhh i gotchu, yeah that can be sad, especially being in love with someone who’s dry while your all hyped up and their just dry, yeah cause that’ll be all messed up and she’s not gonna be happy for that special day
i know, but i just feel bad💔
and i get you aaron, but sometimes all a woman needs is time to herself..i know she’s your whole world aaron, when it comes to times like this, girls can feel like they aren’t enough or even worthy to be in a relationship..and she might not even know, just yet, how you are, maybe she’s still getting to know how she needs someone like you in her life, someone who’s really good to her, someone who’s willing to be able to take care of her. you know? maybe, I’m just say, speaking my mind aaron.. I’m sorry about all this happening to you
your welcome ❤️ aww that’s nice to know aaron !
you think so?
omggg me too, i feel like the tiktok bracelets are very cute :)
the hoodies are adorable ! I’m glad you like them aaron !
hi hi aaron :)
hi, how are you?
mm, atp nobody🤷‍♀️, hes barely on
Aaron !
hey ! how are you?
that’s good :) ive been okay :)
no, im back ill post a bio soon :)
hello i’m bonny x
i’m afraid i’ve only seen the first toy story:,) i have heard that before tho
it’s nice to meet you aaron x