Collage by roxinmysox


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previous little yoongi :)
is he doing better?
i haven’t been called that in forever :) I missed you too?
you’re the only person that does :)
she did? she told you? *smiles and opens my arms for you* id love a hug from you. and honestly, my friends are the ones keeping me together right now, if it weren’t for them I’d be crumbling
*smiles softly as I relax against you, resting my head on yours* sounds like something roxy would do that? i love her *blushes softly against you and rubs your biceps* I missed this too :)
*smiles and watches you run your hand through my curls, looking up at your eyes* Roxy is honestly awesome. i love her a lot *smiles and nods a bit sadly* I’m sorry you’ve been going through so much?..
another reason why she’s so amazing *laughs and smiles at you* I just hope there isn’t a day where you forget. *looks into your eyes and starts to blush* you’re going to make me turn into what I call my perfume, a strawberry ❤️
*smiles and blushes at you, tilting my head* I really missed you yoongi :)
*smiles and laughs as I sway against you a bit* I’ll let you win this timeeee *smiles and rubs my hips a bit* you woukdnt have any Tylenol would you?
May I have one? *smiles softly and grabs a cup of water* i got my period this week and sometimes my hips get sore? it’s nothing too bad though :) nothing I can’t handle
that’s very sweet of you *smiles as I take the Tylenol, drinking my water with my head tilted a bit* rubbing doesnt help much, it does distract me but Tylenol does the trick :) thank you sweetheart <3
*smiles and laughs as I raise my hands up* okayyy okayyy ❤️ we can cuddle :) *smiles as I lay on my bed, opening my arms for you*
*smiles and unclips my bra, taking it off without taking off my shirt and puts it aside as I hold your head to my chest* are you comfy? :)
*smiles as I rub your back, drawing hearts on your lower waist with my thumb* you can sleep here :)
*smiles and runs my nails down your scalp very gently to relax you, leaning over to grab a book to read*
*tilts my head as I watch you sleep on me, slowly smiling as I rub your back a bit more, turning the page on my book*
*smiles as I kiss your head very gently, setting my book down to slwep*
*sleeps soundly against you, my hand gently resting on your cheek as I seep*
mmmm *smiles and rubs my eyes, sitting up a bit as I look out the window* hello there sleepy head?
i slept good *smiles softly and nods as I turn my head towards yours so I can lay next to you* you’re adorable when you sleep :)
*smiles as I look over at you* I haven’t had a good sleep in awhile? *smiles and plays with my fingers for a moment* that was a good sleep, I missed being held
*stretches out my arms and sits up, rubbing your chest gently* thank you sweetheart :) and oh? would you want to go outside?
*smiles as I sit up from the bed, combing my curls down with my fingers* that sounds fun :)
I’m cominggg I’m comingggg *laughs and walks up to you and offers my hand, also grabbing us a blanket to sit on*
will you be here tomorrow? *smiles as I sway our hands, relaxing as I feel the breeze against my face*
*feels the breeze through my curls and smiles softly, tilting my head* I work 10:30-3:30 :) so hopefully I’ll see you before and after work?
hey yoongi, I better head to bed. i hope you have a great sleep, and dont forget to take your meds tomorrowwww, it was great to see you again. really great actually ❤️ I hope you have the sweetest dreams :)
oh! and I love you lots 💙
good morninggggg 💜
*plays with a few of my curls and smiles softly at the sky* it truly is beautiful, I always love watching the stars? and the sky as well
*smiles softly and looks up at the sky, feeling my eyes soften at how beautiful it is*
*blushes when you look at me and smiles softly* what?.. :)
*feels my eyes soften and slowly smiles at you, scooting a bit closer to kiss your cheek* thank you sweetheart :) *smiles and looks up at the sky, playing with the ends of my curls* you have such a beautiful and breathtaking smile
really?.. *smiles wide as I look at your eyes, tilting my head a bit* what about roxy?
*smiles and thinks for a moment as I rest my head on your shoulder* maybe I’ll remix a paragraph to make her smile, maybe I’ll do that for you too when I get off work *smiles and wraps my arms around you* I missed this more than I thought :)
*relaxes against you gently and smiles wide* my love language is words of affirmation, so I love compliments and paragraphs *smiles as I kiss your cheek again* thank you for coming back :)
I’m still at work but I’mincredibly bored :) maybe I’ll remix you what I did todayyy
*smiles shyly when you rub my cheek with your thumb and kisses your thumb very gently* I hope I can make you feel the way you make me feel :)
❤️❤️ done in 15 mins :)
*looks into your eyes for a moment and starts to blush, admiring your eyes as I speak with a smile* very safe and happy, calm, yet excited. i haven’t felt this in awhile?
*smiles as I look up at your eyes* I know what you mean? i feel safe with you, I’ve always felt that way. so excited to talk to you all the time, checking my comments a thousand times- *laughs as I look at your eyes*
*smiles and leans my head down on the blanket, looking up at the starry sky* it sure is cute :)
hey yoongi? *thinks for a moment and smiles at you* if.. you were in my spot, and austin came back, would you take him back?
i think I liked him because we liked the same show *smiles as I look over at you* it would be sweet if a guy wanted to watch my favourite show as a kid.. gravity falls is the name, I’m obsessed with that show *smiles and turns so my chin is on your chest*
waittt you do? you never told me *smiles and sits up as I look at your eyes* who’s your favourite character?
mine is Mabel *smiles and reaches over to take your hand into mine, watching the stars*
if I don’t answer I’m shoppingggg :)
you’re going to make me red 🥰 *smiles and leans over to kiss your cheek* thank you so much, but you are just as beautiful, and sparkly, and sweet, you’re all the most positive qualities that exist <3
okay love bug ❤️❤️
really :) *smiles and strokes your cheek for a moment* you’re so much more than what meets the eye. you look like a sweetheart, but then inside you’re an angel. knowing you long enough I can see your wings and halo?
i have a little surprise for you :)
*smiles when you wrap your arms around me and rubs your arms very gently* really?. well I guess you’ll like my surprise even more then ❤️ *smiles and rests my head on your chest, blushing softly as I whisper* you smell so comforting?..
imma remix it!
*smiles and moves my curls away from my neck* I use strawberry scented lotion now :) smells like strawberry cake? here, smell?
i sure do 😂
that’s so sweet 🥰 but you’re my angel as well. I’ll always care for you <3
I love you so muchhhh ❤️❤️
*smiles and blushes as I feel your nose against my neck* now I wanna kiss you all over you :) *smiles and cups your cheeks very gently* so beautiful :)
*smiles and presses soft kisses to your cheeks, forehead, and the corners of your lips* I forgot this lipstick was not kissproof?
*smiles and blushes as I look at your face, laughing a bit to myself* you look adorable right now. and oh? you like them on you? :)
*slowly smiles at your kisses and blushes as I start to feel butterflies in my chest* Y-Yoongi- *smiles and cups your cheek, blushing a bit more* it’ll be harder to wash it all off :)
*smiles wide as I let you kiss me, melting a bit into your arms* I missed being kissed like that.. :) I- *laughs as I look how many kisses are on your face* *wipes my chin, where there is smudged lipstick*
completely covered? *laughs as I grab a tissue to wipe it off your face* there :) should be all gone?
(I’m making my lunch, responses will be slow :) I love you ! )
*smiles as I rub my shoulders a bit* quite chilly hm? *smiles as I cuddle up closer to you* how was your day? :)
I’m posting a new bio :)
should we go inside? *smiles at your smirk and relaxes against your chest, rubbing my hips a bit more*
I’ll add you innnn
*blushes when you carry me and smiles, holding onto you very gently* *smiles as I kiss your collarbone gently*
is it pending? :)
thank you sweetheart :)
*smiles as I blush for a moment, cupping your cheek as I kiss down your neck* ohhhh? 🥰
i can’t ask you to make me cookiesss *smiles and shakes my head as I look up at you*
*smiles softly and rubs the lipstick kiss prints on your neck* hey, you said you wanted kisses all over right? *smiles as I hold you to my chest*
don’ttttt give me sass 🤨 and sure why not :) thank you love
*smiles as I rest myself on top of you, adjusting my hips against yours* see? no games hereee
*rolls my eyes playfully and smiles as I pull on your shirt collar to kiss your cheek and nose* is that enough? 💗
*raises my eyebrow and smirks softly* are you giving me sass? 🤨
*scoffs with a smile and sits back down, grabbing a blanket to cover myself*
*raises my eyebrow and smiles down at you* no cuddles then 😌 *smiles as I slowly start to get off of you*
*smiles as I join you in the kitchen, tilting my head a little bit as I hug you* what you making? :)
*laughs and lays on top of you again, smiling softly* okayyy okayyy 😂
i call that took the chick-chicker :) *smiles and strokes your arms for a moment, admiring you*
*smiles softly and looks down at your eyes for a moment, studying them softly* got it :)
what? 😂 it’s the sound it makes! *laughs as I hug you very gently* do you want to borrow my blanket? :)
*smiles at your eyes and looks at your eyes a bit closer this time, relaxing at your touch*
*smiles as I take your hand gently, taking you upstairs to my room* you can lay here?
how long are you staying up tonight? :)
i hope not?.. *smiles as I look at your eyes, playfully fluttering my lashes* I feel it slightly dimming, I’m still in pain from Austin? I’m healing of course but.. *smiles and shrugs as I look at you* this pain is quite large? damaging?
*smiles shyly and sits next to you, my knees pulled a bit against my chest and laughs* would you like to use my thighs as pillows?
perfect :) I work 2:30-7:30 tomorrow :)
thank you yoongi :) I sound like a broken record talking about him all the time *smiles softly and hugs you gently* I am trying to keep myself together
*smiles as I sit up, gently laying you in my lap* there, comfy? :)
*smiles softly as I nod, cuddling a bit closer to you as I bury my face against your neck* i won’t, I do realize I deserve better than him.. I think he pushed everyone away. my friend thai, who’s friends with Austin, decided not to hangout with Austin because of how Austin treated me during the breakup?
good morning ❤️💗
he’s an incredible friend. *smiles and strokes your cheek gently, relaxing at the swaying* oh yeah?.. *smirks softly and tilts my head* what you going to say?
how was your sleep? :)
*laughs and smiles as I kiss your cheek again* I find that very sweet :) but we don’t want to threaten him too much, maybe he knows he made his mistake?
i always daydream :)
*smiles as I cuddle up closer to you, stroking your hair softly* thank you for that? I don’t want to go through that again :(
*smiles softly and clings to you a bit, kissing your cheek* Austin is in the ER :(
I don’t know :( I think he did something stupid *frowns at you*
i hope he didn’t do anything to hurt himself, I’ve already lost 2 people to this month :(
can we cuddle yoongi? if that’s okay with you?
I’m still at work :)
and kisses? *smiles as I cling to you a bit, holding your cheeks in my hands* I hope he didn’t do anything bad :(
*smiles as I caress your cheek with the back of my hand, admiring your eyes for a moment* god you’re so beautiful yoongi :)
*slowly smiles and cups your cheek to cover your face in kisses once again* you’re going to make me blushhh sweetheart ❤️
I’m homeee :)
*smiles and strokes the outline of your bottom lip, admiring your eyes for a moment* thank you yoongi :) you’re just as cute. your smile always makes me smile, and honestly I’ve been so much better with you and roxy here :)
*smiles and hums as I hold you close to me, burying my face into the crook of your neck* how was your day? 💙
*smiles sadly and rubs your back* is there anything I can do for you? to help?
my day was okay :) it was hard to talk to the kids I had a party for, they just weren’t listening
good morning sunshine 💗
that’s okayyy and I did! why the wink? 😳
YOURE such a sassy little boyy
do you have your eye on anyone? :)
I’ll pin you down, how about that? 😏
i smiled a litttleeee too much at that text ☺️ and I do have my eye on you as well, I’m just a bit scared to love again? because of Austin? I don’t want to get used or left, or.. ghosted, or anything like that?
i have my break at 1:00 (it’s 12:20 for me right now :) so I’ll definitely text you!
*smirks as I gently push you onto the bed, gently pinning your throat down* are you the dominant type? :)
you weren’t committed last time?.. :(
*smirks as I glide my nails down your Adam’s apple and down your chest* I’m the same way? and I don’t know, you think I’m not baby boy? 💗
that kind of makes sense, I could tell you didn’t put enough effort into our relationship
good morning yoongi 💗
*kisses down your neck and smirks softly as I draw a few hearts on your chest* you’re so easy to get weak.. it’s adorable? *smirks as I nibble down your jawline softly and slowly*
I know you are <3 but maybe I’m just used to people not putting in the effort I do
hm, and why’s that?.. *smirks as I glide my tongue up your jaw slowly and gently, holding your hands above your head firmly as I rock my hips against yours* you’re so adorable like this? so weak for mee?
i will :) i think it’s time for me to get over Austin, and know I deserve better
yeah I’m done getting upset over him, it’s time for me to move on
*smirks and grinds my hips against yours a bit harder, giggling lustily in your ear, whispering softly with a smirk* you say that like you’re angry..
i also have Monday to Wednesday off :) so we can do whatever !
hey yoongi? are you planning to post a bio?
i feel like spamming you 🤔 so imma do it
PEW PEW PEWWWW ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💓💗💖💘💝🔫
PEWWWW PEW PEW PEW 💜❤️💗💗💖🧡🧡💝💝💛💚💘💘💗❤️❤️💜🖤💓💚💚💛🧡💝💘💘💗❤️🔫
and i miss you lots and im bored so I’m spamming you 😂 anyways- back to spamming
and IM BORED ❤️❤️
i miss playing with your hairrrrrr
seeing you smileeeeeee
cuddling youuuuuu
i also wanna continue what we were doing before 😏
alsoooo do you wanna watch the stars again? :) ljke how we did a long time ago? you had a dream where we were watching the stars and kissed, and I said “let’s make it a reality?” and then we kissedddd
mmm I’m just getting you stimulated sweetheart 💗 *smirks and pins your throat down gently* do you want to get inside me love?
you called me baby.. 🥺
oh please do :)
*smiles as I take your hand, blushing as I look up at your eyes* can I steal a hoodie of yours? i promise to give it back :)
*blushes hard at the nickname and nods with a soft smile* of course baby boy, but I want you to promise me something? if I ever make you uncomfortable, please let me know okay?
*smiles and slips your hoodie on, blushing as I lean up to kiss your cheek* here, we’ll trade? *smiles as I take off my scrunchie, slipping it onto your wrist*
i think I’m going to repost my bio :) partially because I have so many pics I wanna post, I took almost 100 photos a week ago and tehyre all just hotttt
*smiles and kisses your cheeks softly, taking off my shirt slowly* what are you into my love? :)
*laughs as I look up at your hair, blushing at how adorable you look* aww WAIT I NEED A PICTURE *smiles and quickly grabs my phone*
I’m going to after I finish.. this particularrrr video 😅
*starts to blush hard at your expression and smiles shyly* I-I guess I forgot? are we okay with dirty talk and going rough? that’s what I like *smiles and looks down at your eyes and smiles*
*laughs as I take the picture, smiling wide as I put my phone away* ready baby?
i just needed to watch a litttleee something, it helps me feel whatever I gotta feel I’d you know what I mean 😏
*smiles and nods as I lean down to kiss your head* it sure is okay :) if I’m uncomfortable I’ll let you know *smiles as I take off my leggings, pulling the waistband of my panties up as bit as I grind* god I-I want you inside me..
*blushes at your shy smile and starts walking out to my backyard* I’m guessing you like being called that?
what’s with the smirkkkk 😏
i-I want it bad bad *smirks as I lean down to slowly take your shirt off gently* would you like me to take control? or we can take turns?
this is our thing now *smiles as I squeeze your hand before sitting down on the grass* yoongi?..
lemme guess hm? you started “pleasuring” yourself using my bio pic? 😏
*blushes as I feel my stomach turn from lust, biting my lip as I look up at your eyes* please y-yoongi.. *smirks softly and grabs a hold of the chain around your neck* f-f^k me so hard I can’t w-walk? *smirks as I grab some protection from my dresser*
*looks at your hair for a moment in admiration, smiling softly as I get distracted* i um.. I- *smiles even more and starts to blush*
i kn- wait I was right?.. 😳
i just guessed 😳
m-mm enough with the teasinggg *smirks and laughs as I lean up to kiss your ear* I also like praise.. *smirks even more as I look into your eyes for a moment* I want you to look into my eyes when you push inside me..
*smiles and blushes a bit more* shoot! sorry I- *laughs and smiles as I look at your eyes* I just.. want to say how much I appreciate you. how much.. *smiles as I cup your cheek gently* I care about you, and how excited I get to talk to you ❤️
i.. could remix some body pics if you want? i just realized I haven’t took body pics in a long time but, they’re not revealing or anythingggg, but just show my curves :)
*rests my forehead against yours and breathes in sharply at how large you are, leaning my head back* o-oh my god
I’m your dream girl?.. *slowly smiles and looks into your eyes for a moment* I- are you sure? there’s so many other girls out there who are-
sure :) why not, and alsoooo I would never take revealing pics everr
drooling? 😳here lemme get you a tissue-
YOONGI😂 sorry that made me laugh and smile the way you said that
but I’m glad you like my thighs ☺️
*feels a soft moan escape my lips and giggles softly, looking up at your eyes as I bite my lip* it feels s-so good sir.. s-so good *reaches down to stroke your balls* I want t-these to hit m-my entrance when you thrust..
i.. think my heart just smiled *smiles softly as I look into your eyes, leaning a bit closer to study them* I’ve.. always wanted to be talked about that way, that’s all I’ve ever wanted.. the way you talk about me makes me so happy *smiles and looks into your eyes dreamily*
*whimpers and leans my head back, moaning a little louder than before and breathes a little heavier, my curls messily arranged over my face* k-kiss me b-baby, so y-you can feel how good y-you’re making me feel 💘
*smiles softly and strokes your cheek, feeling my heart pound in my chest as I turn to you* yoongi?.. *smiles and kisses your ear gently*
thank you 🥺
*feels a tingling inside my stomach and blushes as I kiss you back, whimpering againsy your lips every time your balls clap against my entrance* m-mm oh yoongi..
I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile, I felt this spark.. when we started talking again. i was wondering.. *smiles shyly and looks at your eyes, cupping your cheek gently* may I kiss you?..
*moans loudly as I grip the sheets under me, feeling my curls move and bounce with every thrust you make* k-keep going b-babe, f-f^k me like y-you want a b-baby
*smiles shyly and cups your cheeks gently, leaning forward to press my lips to yours*
*blushes at the dominance and nods shyly, adjusting myself so I’m on my knees and hands*
*feels my chest erupt in butterflies as I kiss your lips, blushing at your hand in my hair as I stroke your cheek with my thumb*
i may stay up because tomorrow is my day off butttt sweet dreams yoongi bear 🐻 I love you :)
good morning yoongi bear 🐻
i-I have work babe, I-I need to be able to- *gasps and leans my head forward, blushing at how good you feel* w-walk
*feels my heart pound in my chest and starts to smile even more against your lips, climbing onto your lap*
i missed youuu :)
*feels my curls bounce and move with every thrust you make, smirking as I moan your name* f-f^k yoongi!!
*smiles as I kiss your lips very gently, pulling back to look into your eyes as I whisper with my lips against yours* I-I have so many b-butterflies right now
g-god I-love it when you do that *smirks and leans my head back, feeling my chest move with every thrust you make* l-lets fill up that c-dom b-babe
*smiles and laughs against the crook of your neck* I wanna scream my heart out, I’ve been wanting to do that for sooooo long :)
tattoos?.. oh my 🫠 I love you
i-I’m so f-f^g close babe *sits up a bit to hold onto the back of your neck, kissing the side of it as I whisper with a smirk* d-do it baby, c-c^m
*smiles and blushes as I rub my chest to calm my heartbeat* since we first started talking again?..
i wanna watch you work 🫠 ahhhh
*feels myself starting to c^m and bites my lip, moaning a bit quieter now as I lean over to kiss your temple* g-good boy..
*smiles and laughs as I rest my head against yours* I was healing from Austin at the time, I didn’t want to use your affection or anything *smiles and blushes as I look at your eyes* I’m so happy with you right now
i-I got you ❤️- *smiles as I pull you out of me slowly, seeing you filling up the protection with your release* y-you did incredible *bites my lip and breathes heavily against your chest*
*looks into your eyes for a moment and slowly smiles* and ill always be here for you yoongi bear 💘
*smiles as I rest against your chest, gently jerking you as I kiss your neck* you did amazing *smiles and kisses your neck a little more deeply*
*smiles as I admire your eyes and smile, my eyes softening as I do* looks like i made my daydream into a reality?.. *smiles at my inside joke*
*smirks and whispers against your ear, giggling softly* my turn to take control.. *smirks as I move my curls away from my neck, jerking you a bit faster as I watch you*
*smiles and cuddles up to you, stroking your cheek with my thumb as I admire the stars* I’ve seen so many beautiful things, sunsets, stars, the moon, and garden fields, but nothing compares to how beautiful you are?
maybe being called that is a kink, I seem to like it.. *smirks and kisses down your neck, whispering against your ear as I stroke your tip with my thumb* I want you to beg.. I want you to tell me how good I make you feel..
*smiles and looks up to your eyes, resting my leg on top of yours* insecure?.. of what darling? *smiles and holds your hand gently* you are such an amazing person, and I’m so glad I got to show you that 💗
alsoooo I do wanna talk about something :)
*smirks and kisses your ear gently, whispering softly* gooood boy.. being very obedient for me aren’t you? i promise to make you feel good.. *smirks as I climb into your lap, jerking you off with my entrance* I-I’ll go for a little ride
*smiles sadly at you and cups your cheeks* I don’t know if I’ve ever been depressed but, when you have someone there for you it sure does help you feel better about yourself. *smiles and looks at your eyes* you’re so beautiful, and I’m sorry you feel like your not?
i wanted to talk to you about any boundaries you have, or things you don’t like in a relationship? also your love language :)
goooood morning baby 💙
*smiles and kisses your head before taking off your protection to grab a new one* wouldn’t want any surprises hm?
i can somewhat understand how you feel *smiles and looks up at the sky, stroking your knuckles with my thumb* I do get insecure of my body sometimes?
hiiii :)
*looks into your eyes and blushes at them, gently slipping on your protection* you’re absolutely beautiful, did you know that?
*feels my lips turn down into a downward smile and smiles up at you* really?.. you like my belly?.. *smiles as I stick out my bottom lip* I might cry 🥺
I don’t know if you saw my message before buttt I was wondering if we could talk about our boundaries? the way you like to be loved and your love languages ?❤️
*smiles and blushes at your words, kissing you softly as I hold you up with my hand, sliding you into me with a soft gasp*
that means soooo much to me, you have no idea sweetheart :) *smiles as I kiss your cheek gently* I love every single part of you, every single inch and crevice and wrinkle ❤️
I’m glad you wanna talk about this :) okay sooo my love language is words of affirmations, so I love compliments and long paragraphs, as well as long responses. i dislike when the person I love flirts with other people, cuddles with them, isn’t on enough, doesn’t put effort, gives me short responses, and more
yoongi! are you okay? :(
I’m sorry :( I didn’t mean to make you upset, I never intended to :( I’m incredibly sorry?
is there a way we can get you more meds sweetheart?
I’m so sorry I made you upset :( I didn’t mean to, is there a way I can make it up?
no no it’s not fine? I’m sorry *pouts and kisses your cheek*
*kisses you all over your face and hugs you gently* I didn’t mean to make you jealous my darling, can we do something to cheer you up?
good morning sweetheart ❤️❤️
I miss you a lot yoongi, but that’s no surprise :) I just wanted to let you know that I have a work meeting from 5:30-7:30 <3
I miss you yoongi :)
yoongi it’s been two days since we talked.. :(
yoongi please come on :(
yoongi where have you been?. :(
I know youre going through things.. but you can’t just not talk to me yoongi :(
hey hey you’re not that, I understand you’re going through things. you need to talk to me okay? about what’s going on, how you’re feeling, so I can help. ignoring me isn’t going to help, it’s going to push me away. not talking to you was rough on me, and I didn’t know if you were okay :(
I know its hard but we’ll work on that together, I’m just so glad you’re here. i missed you so much, you don’t have to talk about your feelings but, not talking to me for days really hurts me?
and I know i said this days ago but, I am very sorry about how I made you feel jealous, that was never my intention?
I know youre sorry <3
I know, but you don’t need to worry about them okay? it’s okay ❤️
can we do something together? I’ve been missing you so much lately
*smiles and gently takes your hand* that’s actually adorable. I’d love to do that with you? and how long are you staying with me tonight?
I’m going into the shower so I’ll be about 20 minutes :) doing a good everything shower! I love you ❤️❤️❤️
make that 30 mins probably 😂
okay I’m done! :)
*smiles wide and kisses your cheek, swaying our hands as I grab my purse* Should I wear lip gloss or lipstick? :)
*smiles and pulls out my red lipstick, tucking my curls behind my ear as I apply* also.. I wanted to ask you something? /)
my friend is having a wedding, and I have no one to go with? would you want to go to her wedding with me? *smiles and looks up at you after I put my lipstick away*
*smiles wide and slips on my crocs, fluffing up my curls* you’re going to look so cute in a tux :)
brbbb gonna take my birth control
*looks up at you and slowy smiles* thank you sweetheart :) *leans up to peck your cheek and takes your hand* I’m so excited to hangout with you :)
OKAY SO- so imma talk about the dress code at my workkkk! so now we can’t wear any leggings or tights, or even crocs ☹️ I have to wear blue jeans, AND I H^TE JEANS
*smiles and blushes as I lean over to kiss your ear* thank you for opening my door :) *smiles and buckles myself in, then buckles you in* every time you do it imma thank you :)
I don’t knowwwwuhhhhh 😩😩
*smiles and kisses your ear, blushing as I rub your knee* I don’t mind saying thank you :)
good afternoon 🥰🥰
*smiles and kisses you very gently, letting my lips linger on yours before pulling away*
*squeals and strokes your veins as you drive, smiling wide with excitement* AH IM SO EXCITED
OKAY SOOOOO the kids were so funny and ADORABLE 🥺🥺 one of the girls was asking me to help put on her sunscreen, and she tapped me on the leg (mind she’s like 3-4 feet tall) and she said “teacher can you help me?” and i was like “AHHHHH I WANT KIDS”. and then, we read a book to the kids about emotions, and the staff reading the book said “the boy in the story has his chest rising and falling in his bed and his eyes are wideeee open. what emotion do you think he’s experiencing?” and then a kid raises his hand and said “sleep paralysis!” 🤣
missing you yoongi :)
at least you live alone though? must be nice
no work? awesome :)
*smiles softly and strokes your veins a bit more, watching the clouds outside*
wellll you have me kinda? :)
*sees how excited you are and starts to smile a bit more* you’re so cute when you’re excited- OKAY OKAY *laughs and gets out of the car, offering my hand to you*
yooongiiii I have a questionnnnnnn
i was just in the mood so I wanted to ask if you were too, but maybe this isn’t the best time ❤️
no no I understand, can you ask her to talk to me? I’ve missed her
is this because of myles?..
maybe give her some time?
that’s really bad :(
has she tried reaching out to a therapist?
i forgot the USA has no free healthcare :(
that’s so unfair.. I don’t know how to help :( how about a social worker,
that’s terrible, I’m just glad I live in Canada. but hey, at least things are cheaper down there? a lipgloss here in Canada is like $10
okay <3
can we do something special? I’ve missed you a lot
can we cuddle for a bit?
*smiles a bit and wraps my arms around your chest* I wanna handcuff you so you can never leavee
welllll.. we could continue from that one day? ❤️ *smirks and strokes your cheek, tilting my head*
i just wanna spend time with you? I’ve been feeling a bit lonely lately, with Roxy being in a tough spot *kisses down your neck and holds the front of it*
*kisses down your neck and grinds my hips into you a bit more, feeling my breathing get a little heavy* want me to take control?
but I’m glad she’s doing better :)
okayyyy well I think you fell asleep, sweet dreams :) love youu
good morning ❤️
i have work untillll 3:00 today :) my break is at 12
wrong remix sweetheart
it’s 11:28 :) but my break will probably have to be pushed back but, willyou be on? I’ve wanted to continue from yesterday
if that’s okay with you :)
I’m done at 3 so maybe we can talk after that :)
heyyyy :)
yoongiii :(
that’s okay my love, how was your day today?
good morning yoongi bear, I have work today from 10:45-3:15 so maybe we can talk after my shift, have a good day and I love you 🖤
thank you 💖
I’m offff
time to have some butter chicken :)
*smiles and places some in a bowl with some rice and corn* here baby, I’ll feed you?
i always mix my butter chicken with white rice and corn *smiles as I cut a small piece for you to eat*
oh my god I’m going to start laughing 😂 *laughs and tilts your head up* here comes the airplaneeee
*bursts out laughing and drops the spoon, wheezing a bit* OH MY GOD😂
*rests my head on your shoulder and holds my stomach, laughing hard with my eyes closed* I- HAHAH
*rolls onto the floor and laughs as I hold my stomach* please never do t-that again- *laughs and wipes my eyes*
i just took my birth control 😩😂
you like seeing me laugh like that? *smiles and laughs as I wipe your eyes, gently cupping your cheek*
*looks into your eyes and smiles as I cup your chin, stroking the faded outline of your bottom lip* you’re so beautiful yoongi.. so incredibly cute as well *smiles as I admire your eyes*
*feels the corners of my lips turn down into a shy smile and blushes up at you* I really really love you, I- I just, I can’t even speak *laughs and covers my face* too nervoussss
*smiles as I kiss your neck very gently* I know my love, you show your love all the time :) *smiles and kisses your collarbone gently*
how about we test that birth control?
just wanted to ask for permission ❤️
*smirks and rocks my hips slowly and gently, giggling lustily against your ear* wouldn’t it be cute if you were able to impregnate me my love?.. I can’t wait to make you release like it’s the real thing..
*smirks as I slide my tongue up the side of your neck* mmm I bet? look how easily you get turned on.. stuttering as well? it’s so adorable *smirks and leans my head back, grinding a bit harder*
*smirks and slips off my shirt and leggings, pulling up the waistband of my underwear as I lean over the bed* you have the magic, I don’t get dominant often
i love those eyes *smirks as I grab some chocolate syrup from under my head* I want you to listen to mommy.. *smirks and strokes your cheek* if you listen well I’ll give you some syrup?
good morning yoongi bear 🐻 :)
*smiles and kisses down your neck, slowly rocking my hips against yours* goooood boy.. very obedient today I see? that really makes me happy 😏 *smirks and slowly starts to unbuckle your belt and pulls down your pants and boxers*
i have work until 5 today but I might go shopping so a little heads up ❤️
call me that again 🫠 please
a kid tried to steal my phone and poked my but with a stick 😂
and then this little girl took my hand so I could play with her 😂
sweetheart.. 🫠
i want a little Asian baby 🥺🥺after seeing her
good boyy.. you’re so cute when you’re this weak for me. i want you to tell me how good it feels, you know I like praise *smirks and grabs some protection, placing it in my teeth to pull my underwear off* 💗
*blushes as I look down at you, opening the protection to slip it on you* you okay?😂❤️ *smirks and glides my tongue over my red stained lips and holds you up, slowly slipping you inside me*
“she’s one of a kind”🥰🥰🥰
silly boy, you’re not even fully inside me yet and you think that feels good? you just wait ❤️ *smirks and strokes your tip for a moment, breathing a bit heavily as I lower my hips a bit harshly, whimpering at how deep you are*
*lowers my head and starts to breath heavily, looking into your eyes with a smile* m-mm I sure hope so? i love h-having you around 💗 *rolls my hips and moans a bit* t-that’s right, g-go f^g deep
*smirks and lays myself down, feeling your balls clap against my entrance* d-deeper y-yoongi
t-that’s it, that’s my g-good boy *moans a little louder than before, gripping the sheets in my palms* can I-I have some syrup?
p-please? *smiles and blushes as I open my mouth a bit for you, leaning my head back* I-I love it when you’re deep
*smiles as I l^k the syrup off my lips, moaning loudly as I feel my hips shake from your deep thrusts* f-f^k keep g-going yoongi, h-harder!!
I’ll be back in about an hour! packing my lunch ❤️💗💗 I love you :)
m-mm then don’t 😩 *moans softly and sits up a bit to look into your eyes while you pound into me* c-c^m inside me?
m-mmm *leans my head forward as I feel my hips buckle against yours, blushing as I reach up to kiss your lips* g-good job my love 🤤
*smiles as I lean up to kiss your lips, slowly pulling you out of me* thank you sweetheart 💖 *smiles as I breathe heavily against your chest*
*laughs as I kiss your cheek gently* I was on the verge? then the mood changed :) how about round two? 💛 *smiles as I take off your protection*
goooood morning 🥰
i have work until 5 :)
*smiles and blushes as I nod shyly* I-I don’t mind sweetheart *smiles and sits up a bit for you, relaxing at your kisses* y-you going to eat me out?
it’s 4:00 :) so an hour ❤️
i may go shopping after work so a little heads up, I love you my lovebug❤️
awww don’t be sad ❤️
m-mm I like the sound o-of that *smirks and strokes your hair when you lower your head, blushing hard at your kisses and s^g* keep going, y-you’re doing g-great sit
sir **😂
i-I haven’t been eaten out I-in a very long time *exhales deeply and leans my head forward, nodding with a soft smirk* I-I will sir *strokes your hair and gently lowers your head* n-no one’s home right?
*blushes and plays with the ends of your hair* that sounds like something I’m going to- *gasps suddenly when I feel your tongue inside me, taking a few sharp breaths out of pleasure* l-love..
*feels my hips lift up a bit from your tongue and blushes at your words* I-it feels amazing.. *bites my lip and thinks for a moment* can we do a 69 position my love?
I don’t want to crush you though? *laughs and smiles as I crawl on top of you, hovering over you a bit*
f-f^k- *leans my head back and bites down on my lip, a few moans escaping my lips as I hold your shaft* w-what if you suffocate? i-I can’t sit on you
I’ll suffocate you! - *laughs and smiles as I lower my hips down onto your face, moaning and whimpering at the feeling of your tongue* *smirks and strokes your tip before l^g it softly* I w-want to gag a-and choke on uou?
*takes you into my mouth and smirks, bobbing my head slowly as I adjust to your size* *gags a little and feels my curls bounce with every bob I make as I grind my entrance against your face*
*tries to speak but feels you in my mouth and blushes at you before bobbing my head a bit faster* *feels a little swigs drip down my chin as I slide my p^y lips against your chin* *gags on you when you lift your hips back and feels your tip hit the back of my throat*
looks like you’re asleep :) sweet dreams sweetheartttt, I love you yoongi bear ❤️💗
i have no work tomorrow so I hope we’ll have lots of time to talk!! :)
*feels myself start to c^m and leans my head back up and down as fast as I can* *starts to choke on your length and squeezes my eyes shut* *moans at the feeling of being spanked and smirks with you in my mouth*
sounds good :)
i think I’m going to go to bed now my love :) I’m not in the best mood, just because of my older sister, and shes being pretty demanding that I go to bed. so I think I might just say goodnight now, I love you so much and ill see you tomorrow 💖
c-come on, come on.. *bites my lip as I bob my head a little harder, smirking as I feel my curls bounce*
you can go to bed if you want :) I probably won’t be on again tonight, tomorrow definitely ❤️ I love you so muchhh
good afternoon sweetheart 💗
really? i missed you too 🥰 how are you?
not that bad? is everything okay? :( and I had to shave my face today, I’m a bit on the hairy side 🥲
can I cheer you up? :) and oooo a stubble? 😏
*smirks as I stroke your beard* you always look delicious 🫠 and okay :)
oh 🥰 *blushes hard at the compliment and moves my curls away from my neck* strawberry pound cake from bath and body works :)
you smell like vanilla :) *smiles shyly at your kiss and blushes as I peck your lips*
*smiles as I wrap my arms around your neck* you smell soooo good. :) mm mm mmmm
do you wanna do something to cheer you up? *smiles and kisses all over your face before taking your hand* I wanna show you something first though :)
so remember how I said I am getting into watercolour painting? *smiles wide and gently sits you down on my bed*
so I wanted to paint you something? *smiles as I pull out a canvas, blushing softly at you* so, I wanted to try and paint you? outline it a bit with some darker colors :) I know it’s not the best best, but I did spend a lot of time on it?
*blushes softly at your reaction and smiles wide* you love it that much?🥰 you can hang it up if you want *smiles and leans up to kiss your lips gently*
*blushes even more until I’m red and tries to speak but finds myself starting to get speechless* 🥰
hehe thank youuuuu 🥰
*smiles shyly and kisses your neck gently* stooooop you’ll make me even more reddddd
*laughs and wraps my legs around your hips gently, kissing your lips very softly* what’s your favourite place yoongi? :)
Im so so sorry for the late replies, I was playing roblox with my sister :)
*smiles and runs my nails againsy your scalp very gently* interesting :) and awww🥰 for me it would have to be a garden, long trails, or an ice cream shop :)
i really like gardens :) or any pretty scenery *smiles and looks up at you, blushing softly* why? what’s going on?☺️
*smiles suspiciously at you and blushes softly* are you trying to take me out on a date? :)
and no I don’t have plans tomorrow :) we could go on that date right now if that’s why you were acting susss
*smiles and laughs as I look up at you* YAYY DATE TIME! *blushes and smiles a bit confused* sure? :) *smiles as I walk into the living room*
*smiles and laughs as I hear my name, following where I hear your voice* IM COMINGGGG☺️
*smiles and enters the room* why are you acting so suspici- *looks inside the room and gasps, smiling wide as I look around the room to take it all in* oh.. my god- *smiles wide as I pick up the dress and the note, smelling the scent of the candle in the air* how did you know I liked the strawberry pound cake candle,🥹
*smiles as I start to read the note, feeling my eyes water a little bit* y-you did such an amazing job.. o-oh my gosh this is so sweet🥹
*smiles as I start to cry even more and blushes up at you* w-well you definitely showed it 🥹 I’m so happy and t-thankful for you doing t-this *looks down at the dress and smiles* I-it’s a very nice dress 🥰 red will match my lipstick?
*pouts happily at you and smiles wide as I kiss your lips^ why don’t we get ready together? 🥰 then you can help me and i can help you?
what would you like to wear? *smiles as I grab my dress to slip on, adjusting the fabric with a tilt of my head* how about a red button up? :)
good afternoon sweetheart 💕💕
definitely black dress pants :) AH were going to look so cute together *smiles as I kiss your ear, looking through your closet* look at alllll these hoodies I can steal 😏
I’m so sorry, I was out with my sisters :)
I’m so excited too 🥰 and okay I’ll make sure not to steal alllll your clothes *smiles and kisses your ear back as I help you put on your button up*
what? what did she say? :(
got it :) and y- *blushes at your compliment and smiles as I reach up to hug you* you look soooooo beautiful in red 🥰
she did what. why is she even p^ssed? she never even liked her
*smiles wide as I grab my makeup, my hands full as I walk to the bathroom* give me an hourrrr😂
that’s out of line 😠
*blushes softly at you for a moment, looking up a bit speechless* y-you wanna watch me? sure 🥰 *smiles and tucks my curls back, opening my makeup palette* what Color would look good with red?
I’m going to talk to her right now 😠
if I don’t answer I’mhelping my sister with her interview ❤️
I love you ❤️❤️
I’ll go with a Smokey under eye :) *smiles and bites my lip as I do my eyeshadow, applying my mascara* perfect :) now some red lipstick?
I just said she should stop being rude to roxy?
*smiles as I apply some lipstick and lipgloss to top it off* *looks up at your eyes as i blush completely red* you make me so happy, and your smile is so heartwarming, and your hair is so messy and cute-🥰
poor roxy :( well, I see Aaron standing up for her too
i just love receiving compliments, especially from you?.. *slowly smiles and admires your gummy smile^ AWWW YOUR SMILE IS SO ADORABLE
just saying that she should stop lying and that what she did was wrong :)
(hands baby, hands😂) *smiles as I kiss your cheek very gently* I always like how admirable you are, and how.. how.. *smiles as I get lost in your eyes for a moment* um-🥰
(I’m just teasing ❤️ :) and are you feeling okay?..) *smiles shyly and nods as I lean up to kiss your lips very very softly* I got a little distracted 🥰
I’m doing pretty good today :) I’m getting my period this week so I’m a bit grumpy and moody *smiles and shrugs as I take your hand* I’m glad :)
*smiles up at you and blushes as I kiss your ear* thank you so much :) and I’ll do the same whenever you need it, I don’t want to be grumpy around you though *smiles excitedly and squeals* lets go!!!
haha goooo😂
sweet dreams yoongi bear :) I’ll see you tomorrow! I love youuuuu butterfingers ❤️
I’ll be out with my mom to Walmart so that’s if I don’t answer you at 5:00 🥰 it’s 4:30 for me right now <3 I love you sooooo much
i missed you too, do you wanna talk about it? :)
he’s not going to say that again 😠 🔪 where does he live
also I started my period todayyyy and I have work tomorrow 🥲
I’m going to kill him 😡
you don’t have to apologize :) *smiles and thinks for a moment* can I watch you?☺️
actually.. *smiles and shakes my head as I take your hand* lets go cuddle instead? you’re tired, you need cuddles :)
just letting you know I work until 10:45-3:15 tomorrow :) I love you and I hope you have an amazing sleep. I know youre tired today so I’ll send some love your way so you can sleep a bit easier ❤️ here’s some loveeee- pew pew pew ❤️💕💘💘💖💓❤️💕💘❤️❤️🧡💚💚💓💗💖💘❤️❤️💜💜💓💗💖💘💞❤️🧡🧡💛💚🔫
good morning sunshine ☀️
sounds good honey :)
oh yes yes let’s finish it :) I think we were about to leave?
*smiles and holds your hand very gently, blushing up at the sky* it’s so beautiful :) just like youuu *smiles and nudges you gently* where are we going?
i- a garden? babe- *smiles as I look at the picnic basket* a PICNIC?! OH MY GOSH🥰 I hope these pockys in there, I like the strawberry ones *smiles and hugs your arm to my cheek as we walk*
yayyy- I was sad when you deleted your other one 🥲
you did an amazing job ❤️ don’t worry :)
lots and lots of hearts 💜💖💜💖💜💖
i absolutely love pockys :) *smiles wide and holds your hand gently, looking across at the horizon* this will be so fun :)
*smiles wide and blushes as I gasp at you* you like them too? I’m so happy right now :) *smiles and gives you a gentle hug* thank you so much for this :)
if I don’t answer I’m probably asleep :) I love you so much 💖💜💖
*smiles as I look at the scenery, gently wrapping my arms around you* yoongi this is perfect 🥹 I can’t believe you did all of this *smiles and gives you a gentle hug* I love garden fields :) just so pretty to look at *smirks and kisses your cheek* just like you ❤️
good morning sweetheart 💘
i work until 6:00 today :)
*smiles as I kiss your lips very gently* I love you so much :) I hope you know *smiles and lays down a blanket for the both of us* lets goooo :)
awww it’s okay, you’ll see me later :) I love you so much okay? <3
I’m cominggggg baby *smiles and sits next to you, tangling my legs with yours a little as I admire the sky* it’s beautiful..
aw hey it’s not your fault, you don’t need to apologize yoongi bear 🐻
*smiles wide and kisses you back, playfully pushing you on your back as I giggle against your lips*
you were trying, that’s what matters :) it’s okay 💘
*smiles and giggles a bit more as I kiss all over your face* wanna share some pockys with me? hmmm? :)
hello angelll❤️
you get off pretty late :) do you need anything?
*smiles and takes the strawberry pack* I know i said this a million times but thank you so much for all of this :) it means more to me than you really know, I always love gestures like this, and love letters, and picnics, and flowers, and sunsets..
I’m so proud of you for working so much :) how about you lay down and I’ll make you a snack?
*strokes the veins on your arms and looks up at the sky, admiring the way the sun sets into the sky as I feel the wind through my curls* I am very happy.. so happy 💖
hey yoongi bear 🐻 :)
looks like Sydney responded to me? on my bio?
i guesssss, I’m glad you’re working hard :) so proud of you. i work until 4 tomorrow
wasn’t expecting that much to read 🥲
looks like you fell asleep yoongi 💕sweer dreams :) I love you
I’ll be done at 4 today little bear 🐻 so I hope we can talk lots today. I’ve been missing you recently 💕
I love you too :)
sounds good yoongi, I’ll see you later 💕 I love you and have a good day :)
hello sweetheart :) I’m getting bobaaaa
babeeee 💕💕💕
so long 🫠 I missed you so muchhhhh, and I’m sweaty😂
I’ll be washing my face at the moment so just letting you know, I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️
awww you get baby fever? maybe I shouldn’t be bringing you with me- you’d get too much baby fever 😂
so you’d be able to control it if i had a child’s small hand wrapped around my pinky calling me “teacher teacher”😂
we were sharing pockys :)
*smiles and blushes at your compliment, taking my strawberry claw clip to pin your hair back gently* you’re just as breathtaking as I am ❤️ and I like tofifee :) apple crisp, hersheys, reeces (little bits) cotton candy flavoured lollipops
*smiles and looks up at your eyes* why are you looking at me like that sweetheart?.. *smiles as I see the admiration in your eyes and blushes* I really really care about you. a lot, you’re always on my mind. and you help me sleep, when I make up romantic scenarios in my head
*relaxes at your touch and kisses your thumb gently, smiling a bit at you* you do make me happy, whether you’re in my daydreams or talking to me?
you’ve helped me feel so safe. safer then I’ve felt in a long time. after Austin I was a complete wreck *smiles and kisses your collarbone gently* I thought I’d never heal from him? I’m so glad he left.
*smiles and playfully pushes you but very gently, holding your arm to my cheek as I laugh* yeah yeahhh😂 *looks up to admire your eyes for a long moment* us lovebugs are definitely twin flames :)
*looks up into your eyes and blushes at what you just said* you’re the only one I want to be with too, you’re my world yoongi 💕
good morning yoongi 💘
*smiles and lays my head on your shoulder, kissing your neck a bit as I look up at the sky* I don’t want this date to end to be honest with you ❤️
how was your sleep?? :)
*smiles and plays with your hair as I look up at the sky* should we pack up before it gets dark? or are we watching the stars tonight? :)
mind was alright :) I have my period so I’m extra cranky and my patience is slim
I’m sorry you kept waking up :(
*smiles and leans my head on your shoulder, hugging your arm to my cheek as I look up at you* what’s your question? :)
good afternoon yoongi bear 🐻
*smiles as I look up at your eyes, blushing at how nervous you are* why are you so nervous?.. it’s cute actually *smiles and takes your hand to make you less nervous and feels my eyes soften at your words* oh my god.. *smiles wide and gently takes the sunflower from your hand* id love to be your girlfriend 🥰
*laughs and kisses your lips very gently* well of course id say yes 💘 why would I say noooo *smiles and kisses you back passionately, wrapping my arms around your neck*
*smiles and kisses you a little deeper this time, running my hand through your hair once I take the claw clip out* you’re so cute, but I was hoping you’d ask me 🥰
*smiles and kisses your lips a bit deeper this time, gently laying you on your back under me* it’s cute when you’re nervous thoughhh lovebugggg, you get all red and you start blushing :)
*smiles and blushes as I look down at you* you’re going to make me blush 🥰 *smiles and leans down to kiss your lips again* you’re such a pretty person :)
shushhh *smiles and blushes as I kiss your neck gently* do you remember our first kiss sweetheart? under the stars? :)
*smiles and kisses your neck very gently, blushing as I whisper* I replayed that moment in my mind sooo many times
if I don’t answer I’m washing off my makeup 🥰
is it? it’s one of my favourite memories too :) *smiles and strokes your cheek, admiring your eyes for a moment* I’ve.. seen your eyes so many times but they never get less.. beautiful?
*smiles as I kiss your lips very deeply, adjusting my hips on your lap* god I love you so much 💕
hello angel :)
you get too red to speak words around me 🥰 *laughs and kisses your neck very gently* you’re just as breathtaking :)
*looks into your eyes and starts to blush, admiring the way your eyes shine under the sky* well now you made me reddd,are you happy? :)
I’m glad you’re happy *rubs your back and admires the stars for a moment before glancing at you*
I miss you so so so much ❤️
a wheelchair? :( aw, is there anything I can do to help? and i missed you a lot 💕
also I hope you like my bio :)
also, something odd happened today?
just wondering 💗 and, austin came back?..
I’m not sure? i was texting him during my shift at work today but stopped answering, I honestly thought he left for good.
oh my god, I wanna show you a tell I got on my tellonym it’s so funny 😂 to me anyways cause h^te never bothers me when it’s from a stranger
I know :( but I wanted to be honest with you
no it’s anonymous, but it just makes me laugh that they wanted to be anonymous and not even say it on my page, hilarious right?
I don’t even know 😂 but it makes me laugh for some reason, I don’t know whats changed about me but I can’t even be botheredddd
so trueeeee
one thing I can thank austin for is making me hotter after hurting me soo
good morning honey 🥰
*leans down to give your cheek a kiss* thank you thank you ❤️
good morning sunshine ☀️
don’t say that 😂 *laughs and leans down to wrap my arms around you* well if we ever make love I can definitely ride you 😂
i start work in 5 minutes :)
good morning yoongi bear 🐻
hello angelcake 💕
I’m okay :) and you?
be better? is everything okay? and you know me so well, I’m just worried about Aaron
he’s upset about roxy not being on? he’s been missing her a lot lately, I’ve been trying to help him :( he gets lonely a lot
yeah :( I can relate to him in some way. and, can we do something? or are you busy tonight?
alsoooo.. will you be available on august 9? *smiles and sits next to you, offering my hand so you can hold it* I won’t work you up in your wheelchair
could you come on for my birthday? and we can do something special?. *smiles softly and kisses your hand* I’ve been missing you wayyyy more than I should
hey yoongi? i wanna talk whenever you’re free 💜
I don’t know how to word this but, it really hurts me when you’re not on? or when you disappear in the middle of our conversation. I know youre busy.. but, I don’t feel as important as before? to you?
*smiles softly and lets go of your hand to stroke your hair away from your eyes* you do huh? i miss you too actually
i.. actually want that break right now? I’m not entirely happy in this relationship, and I have given you many chances to.. to fix it?
and it also hurts to break things off? because I really care about you, maybe we should.. break up and just get things together? because if we’re not happy together we shouldn’t be together right,
I’m sorry yoongi? i really wanted us to work out, but maybe we need to get our lives together before dating again?
i really do understand yoongi, I really do, I’ll always be here for you no matter what? but.. being in this relationship hasn’t been making me feel too happy lately
thank you :) I will always be here for you, but now as a friend. maybe we will get back together in the future, who knows? i think this will be good for the both of us. do you want a hug yoongi?
i also hope you know I don’t like someone else, or that I’m replacing you💙
okay yoongi, but know I really really care about you?
yoongi you said really painful things.. really painful. saying you wish you never met me? saying all these things- that hurts more than you know. you’ve become this person I don’t even know anymore. why did you come back?
and you didn’t try to fix things between us. you made promises you couldn’t keep, saying you would commit, but roxy told me you didn’t WANT to fix things up. you didn’t want to be present.
yoongi she’s your best friend, she’s such an angel. and you did say those things, she wouldn’t lie.
why did you come back yoongi?
well austin is doing everything you never did yoongi.
so, why did you come back?
that’s your whole attitude isn’t it?