I love you I hope you can handle my weirdness I'll never leave you


I love you I hope you can handle my weirdness I'll never leave you

18 2
I can handle anything baby girl
*Kisses You* you're my weirdo
*kisses back and smiles*
*tickles my werido*
*kisses her nose* OMG you're nose is cold
yeah I'm freezing
wnna cuddle?
*goes into bed*
*does same*
*gets really comfy*
I love you my weirdo
I love you too
*kisses you*
*kisses back*
how old are you?
I'm 17
I'm 17 too
wanna rp?
what kind
we're at the park and were couple I will show what I look like.
you start
ok *walks to the park*
*plays football with football team*
-I get there-
*throws football* *stands beside Charlie*
*tackles Sam*
*trues not to laugh*
*its ok to laugh*
*laughs a little*
*stops playing and sings a little*
*laughs at you*
*tackles u onto the grass*
*kisses back*
*tiggles u*
*Tackles Bree*
*Goes to class*
*goes to class*
*sits in back row*
*sits in the middle*
*kicks her feet*
*puts headphones in my phone*
*Listen to Black Veil Brides Fallen Angels*
*lays my head down on my desk*
*turns up all the way*
*looks back at you cause I can hear it*
*Nobody else can hear it*
*rolls eyes*
*kisses u*
hi my little werido
I have note for you
oh really*looks at you weirdly serious*
*gives it to her sits at locker*
*reads it*
*sits at locker all sad and listening to heavy metal to calm me down*
*gets to my locker*
*stops the music* I'm guessing you read the note
I'm moving away
what why???*looks at you*
my parents got a new job in Canada
oh..*looks down*
I'm sorry
I'm gonna miss you*looks sad*
maybe I can stay with your family
yeah I'll ask my mom
*texts mom hey mom can my boyfriend come and stay with us please*
*Gets stuff ready if I can't stay*
*she texts back sure!*i text you she said yes!*
oh alright
I'll see ya later then?
lol Olivia
*kisses Charlie*
hey my little werido
*kisses u*
*kisses back*i missed you
I missed you more
no I did
no way I did
not uh I did *smiles*
nooooooooo I did
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I did
Noooooooooooooooooo way
yesssssssssssss way
how was your day?
it was good hbu
me Kat Jackson&Paige and liam and joey got in trouble
for what
beating up someone for a little kid
we're just got to send time with our vice principal
oh ok
it's alright were ok with it.
did you get in slot of trouble
I'm ok it tho
*pokes your cheek*
ok then...
I don't like my checks getting poked
oh sorry
it's alright baby girl
*smiles back* Can I Call You Baby Girl?
yes you can
What Are You Gonna Call Me?
hmm🤔🤔🤔I'll call you daddy😂
sure I guess
lol jk
what are u gonna call me then
hmm🤔🤔🤔how about prince I'll call you my prince
you're singing about I hear
luke told me
dámnit Luke
go beat him up
I will
I love you baby girl
I love to too prince
night beautiful
sweet dreams
night bby love you
Morning sweetie
hey little weirdo
hi baby
What's up My little werido
nothin*looks down*
what's wrong?
I had a bad day at school
what happend
I always get bullied
I wish I was there to beat people up for u
*smiles*you always know how to make me smile
*kisses back*
whatcha doing
singing into my brush again😂😂😂
awwwwww what song this time..
I want crazy
by who?
hunter Hayes
Oh I don't know that song.
I love it
well I used to
Are u ok?
yeah I'm fine
Whatcha u doing for Christmas?
I have no idea i know for Christmas Eve I'll be at my grandmas opening presents
Same with us that's what we do to
I missed u
I missed you too I almost fell off my bed😂😂
ow Kat and I have done that before
I sat down and then I fell backwards but I caught myself
Good Girl
hi bby
hi babe
how was dinner?
what did u have?
so am I
I love chicken
I don't.
why not
oh ok
what else did you have with the chicken baby?
French fries
yum baby
I love French fries
so do I
but I love you more than them
I love you way more then them
wanna rp?
we're at school and we're a couple
you start this time
what's your name in the rp?
I'm trevor
*Walks to school with Sammy right beside me*
*smiles and walks*
*plays music*
*plays swearing music*
*looks at you*
says yes Sammy?
I can hears that
*stops music*
*rolls eyes playfully*
*runs to the basketball court*
*walks *
*drops backpack hits blake on the head*
*stands against wall*
*stops and talks to hannah*
*checks phone*
*runs behind Sammy jumps out and screams*
hi sexy
hi bby
bell rings
well got to go to class
*runs to French*
*goes to english*
*Looks around*
*sits down in my seat*
*Txts you you remember Drew Mackerel?*
*texts back*yeah why
*Is the new teacher now*
oh cráp
what teacher is h... he is the English teacher shït
no he's the French teacher
oh thank god
Morning Sweetie
Hi Beautiful
what's wrong
I'm tired of everything
what do you mean babe?
my baby cousin is in the hospital and I've been crying about that and then at school I'm getting bullied again and then I come home and my brother and sister are making fun of me I'm done
You're Not Leaving Me *Kisses You* You're mine ever!! :)
please be happy bby girl
I don't know if I can*cries*
*Wipes Away Your Tears*
*hugs you*
*hugs you back*
I don't know what I would do without you
awwwwe bby
*smiles a little*
you better smile
more baby
good girl
*kisses u*
*kisses back*
you feeling better?
yeah I think so
you think so
yeah he still isn't doing any better he might die
my baby cousin
oh that's sucks I love you.
I love you too
you are literally the only thing that is keeping me alive rn
I bet be.
I that you are thinking of me
yeah I'm not kidding though you are the only thing that is keeping me alive if you weren't here I would have probably killed myself already
no you're never killing yourself
if I try you will stop me right
Yes I stopped Kat
Np bby
I love you so much
I love you so much to
*hugs you and pulls down my sleeves*
*hugs back startes at her br. strings*
*doesnt let go*
can I take off your br.?
you're Br. is bugging me
seriously after I have been crying your planning on having séx I knew it I figured you only wanted me for my looks
no I won't do that to you.
your trying to take off my bra that's what I think
no way bby
yes you were
no way bby
yes you were you asked me if you could take off my bra SERIOUSLY
I'm sorry
God I wish I would have a boyfriend that likes me for me not for my body
I love you so much for everything
I'm done with everything
no you're not STOP IT.
yes I am*runs to the bathroom and locks door*
*runs in takes away everything sharp*
*hides knife in my pocket and makes sure the door is locked*
*slowly cuts and cries*
NO!!!!*cuts more*
*cries and cuts*
*runs outside sits on the road*
*car comes doesn't move*
*walks outside to get fresh air and sees you*NO!!*runs on the road*
*lays there*
you were gonna leave me*cries*
I love you bby
I love you too but
*tries to get up*
*helps you*
*leg and arm and wrist starts bleed*
*calls 911*
*sits there*
-they get here and take you to the hospital but I don't come-*thinks this is all my fault*
isn't not you're fault
yes it is
no isn't not
yes it is I should just leave it will be better for you
no you are my amazing little werido
*cries*you only want me for my looks that is how every guy is
no I don't want I want you for your everything
REALLY you tried to get my bra off when I have had a bad day if you were a real boyfriend you wouldn't have done that
*leaves the hospital*