FIRST COMPLICATED EDIT!!!! It's terrible 😂 I'm probably not going to do a lot of these (virtually none) complicated edit idea inspired by @TheKawaiiHedgehog!!!! Go follow rn!!!! She is AMAZING!


FIRST COMPLICATED EDIT!!!! It's terrible 😂 I'm probably not going to do a lot of these (virtually none) complicated edit idea inspired by @TheKawaiiHedgehog!!!! Go follow rn!!!! She is AMAZING!

9 1
I didn't know you listened to pop music 😂😂😂
well, do you want me to show you an example of one of my complicated edits?
awwww, thanks you! 💜 meow! I inspired someone! 😱😄
this is really good!! 👌🏻😍😍😍😱😱😱
no problemo
here's my complicated edit
it is mine, I didn't steal it. you can see my name somewhere around at the bottom right
no, I was talking about other people stealing it, not you
okey dokey
Round 2 results... good luck 💓💓💓🦄
I just realized that your username is racist