Can't stop crying


Can't stop crying

197 119
what did you do? did you feel comfortable saying?
it's ok. wha did you do? we can help you
What's wrong?
you ok
Are you okay? How can I help?
are yo k
are you ok? thanks so much for the spam. I spammed back!
oh o do those all the time
but is you ok
i not o
what happened? I do stupid things all the time. I know what your going through.
it's ok because god is right by your side and he will never let you go or anyone else❤️
don't let anybody hurt tour feelings no matter what happened!♥️love yourself,see the bright side of life♥️i always said that i want to die but then i give up of saying that♥️
Be positive i know sometimes it can be hard but try it will help😊Try to think positive♥️