Hi guys it's Halyie! I'm training to be a therapist so if I need one of you guys needs a therapist you can comment on this collage and I will help you


Hi guys it's Halyie! I'm training to be a therapist so if I need one of you guys needs a therapist you can comment on this collage and I will help you

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comment below if you need emotional help
hi, I like this guy. he said he liked me but then got a girlfriend and hasn't messaged me in months. I'm homeschooled so there's no way for me to talk to him face to face. but he's always posting videos of him with his girlfriend and he looks happy but he told me he liked me😶
well, maybe he just wants to make you jealous! I mean if he told you he likes you, then what else could he be doing?
or maybe it was a dare many guys get peer pressure
yeah maybe😁 thanks
no prob
have you ever gone through anything similar?
but I do have anxiety
oh me too