Hello, babes! Astrid here. 😊 How's your Friday been? Just wanted to remind you that your life isn't just your mistakes, okay? No matter how AWFUL they are, you can still live. And you can always move on. ❀


Hello, babes! Astrid here. 😊 How's your Friday been? Just wanted to remind you that your life isn't just your mistakes, okay? No matter how AWFUL they are, you can still live. And you can always move on. ❀

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I needed that caption, thanksπŸ€—πŸ’œ
hey ummm whoever owns this acc said you'd collab I'm just asking (not to be rude) when would we do it?? I'm planning things out
and I'm making like a chart thingy
yeah when I went totally crazy that I was actually talking to you
I don't care when I just wanna know bc ppl keep forgetting πŸ˜‚
your rock at pics