Collage by _Emo_Unicorn_


18 0
Are still a atheist though, I'm just wondering
Yeah, I'm an atheist.
My mom knows I'm a atheist
She doesn't like it though
What religion does she follow?
She told me me that I wasn't raised that way, but she can't control what I believe in
My mom is a Christian
Keely, can you stay up late, I'm about to go to the mall and look for a backpack
I can't get a Dan and Phil back😭😭😭😭😭
Why, Princess?
Aw, don't get upset about it, Princess. Just use birthday money to buy one yourself.
It'll take weeks to get it😔
Don't get standard delivery then.
It comes from China
Ik, Princess but if you pay a little more, you can get it faster.
Where are you buying it from?
Idk, but my mom isn't gonna get for me anyways😭
Buy it yourself, Princess.
She probably won't let me, I'm broke anyways😔
Use money you get for your birthday.
My birthday is gonna be on the second day of school😔
Ik, Princess.
Can you hold me and stroke my hair place
*Holds you*
*Lays head down on chest*
*Strokes your hair* It's a very small thing to get upset about.
*Ik, it's just I really wanted a Dan and Phil back
I gtg, brb later
Awwww, when?
I'm back
Gonna go soon.