Collage by BringMeTheSleepingSirens


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mires I don't think I can do this
I'm just not bi,
baby please we can I promise I'll do anything for you just please don't leave me...
I'm not fit to date boys...
I don't know...
*cries*......fine.....I'm leaving. just so you can be happy...leaving
we met yesterday and dated yesterday and now your saying your gonna kill yourself, over me? the piece of shît that I am?? wow I'd never thought I'd hear that...
I can do it again!!! it would be my 5th time so idm!
do what? and what does idm mean??
it don't matter!!! which it doesn't!
oh well since it doesn't matter I guess this is goodbye✌🏼️
if you love me you would tell me.... and to think I was so dumb to think that you actually cared about me...
no! ugh I love yiu please....
I do I love you...
than why won't you tell me!
I love you Dre
then tell me... what you said up there... " I can do it again!!! it would be my 5th time so idm!" like what does that mean??
it means I can go to the sane hospital again and it would be my 5th time so I doesn't matter...
... do I really matter that much to you really love me that much? do you really think that I can just... nevermind
baby boy you mean the world to me and I wouldn't have cried over you if i didn't love you
prove it... show me your crying right now... or at least just tell me why you hate Kia... please
I need to know...
Kai....I'm still worried about Trevor ....he's getting used..
don't change the subject
I don't like him or nothing it's just that Kai likes him for sëx
I don't care about Trevor.... just need to know why Kia is like the way you described her!
Kai is a boy
the boy Trevor is dating..
Kia is hello_howlow
the one that you said was a stalker
because she stalks and she's a bītch..,,that's all.
stop asking !!! ugh.. just go be with her...I know you still like her
so prove that you love me... prove it
your gonna have to do more than just say it
then tell me what to do.
send me a video of you saying that you love me
you can't send videos.
then at least write it on a piece of paper, hold it up to the camera and pose with it
it's dark rn and I can't turn on the lights but I'll try to make out the pic
may I ask, why can you not turn on the lights?
because my parents will wake up so I just took a pic
I'm a hurricane 💓💙
out of nowhere😂😂