XD sorry Ash. I had tooooo... So close 2 fifteh.


XD sorry Ash. I had tooooo... So close 2 fifteh.

4 0
(bows jokingly) *Elvis voice* Thank you, thank you very much. XD
😹👏 Yessss (voice crack)
(when some one gets roasted in my class) option 1: OOOH CLEAR FIRE(repeatedly until they are rlly far away) option two: OOH DO YOU NEED ICE FOR THAT SICK BURN!?
(when the teacher roasts someone) OOOoOoOoOH GET SCHOOLED
(when someone tries to roast you back and fails) ohhhhh....
:gets quieter:
(when someone roasts the teacher) .... NO
(when someone does the huuh game) :laughs at the fact that their doing that:
(my school has tons of roasts so)
ya also SHOTS FIRE (backs away) or (spins in circles and gallops)
nah, I have 260. I win. XD
I beat you to the nightcore dubstep ;) I did my best so I'm still working on it. check your email.
Nope. Its my idea and I copuyrighted it already. I'm sueing u. XD
uhm you're losing followers... you've dropped to 47
I cri all time.