If Lillian_flower wants to chat do it on this page I'm interested in mowing how you make piccolo ages and get so many followers


If Lillian_flower wants to chat do it on this page I'm interested in mowing how you make piccolo ages and get so many followers

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so you've been asking me how do i make collages right??
it's easy! just be creative and follow ur heart🤗🤗
i promise you'll do a great one!
thanks for the inspiration I'm only 11 and I want to gain followers can you give me and my friends a shoutout
yes sure! but can u till me ur friends name?
sure ther on my page when I tried to do a shoutout
what you number or email maybe we can text
hey i did the shoutout!❤️
and my e.mail is ( lillian-2003@hotmail.com )
lillian-2003 @hotmail.com
so you wanna text
and you don't have a phone number?
yup i have a phone number and i'm 12
cool I'm 11 so we're in that same range post a pic of you so I can see what you look like I already have plenty of me on my page me and my friends
i already did
i already did