Social anxiety is so fun when you have a presentation to do tomorrow and a friend who won't comfort you or help you about it because I'm an 'attention whøre' and 'wont stop complaining' and ugh what am I doing with my life and here goes an existential cri


Social anxiety is so fun when you have a presentation to do tomorrow and a friend who won't comfort you or help you about it because I'm an 'attention whøre' and 'wont stop complaining' and ugh what am I doing with my life and here goes an existential cri

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just try to keep reminding yourself that it'll be over quickly, and that your mental health matters more than your grades. if you do end up messing up somehow, then life is forgiving, since everyone makes mistakes. just, after practicing, try to do something else so you aren't concentrated on it; that way, it'll be harder to stress about it.
if you need to talk, we can. I know presentations are hard. I had a really big one last week myself. ily
I know I'm not there with you in real life, but I believe in you. I'm proud that you're still trying, and I understand what you're going though. Please don't give up, even though I know it's hard. Stay strong my smol bean