Bye my otaku's


Bye my otaku's

7 0
as I thought know ones cares if I leave
Don't leave!
I just know there are people who what me gone
Well, I think that your collages are great!
no one else gets the treatment I do I get 7 likes and barley 4 comments
people would rather like me gone in a few days I will be forgotten like all the other pic collagers
who left
not even one of my best friend cared about this
Likes don't matter! What matters is YOU having fun!!
but if no one laughs at them what will happen then
and if I have fun but no one else does what tell me that
am I that best friend? cuz if I am I'm so so so sorry. I just didn't realize because I haven't been on for a while your posts are seriously awesome
don't quit
yes you are ....not dah best friend you are my bud and friend is tmntgirl