ahhh why does school have to be so dang stressful. i have so much homework this weekend it’s not even funny like i missed four days of school last week when i was sick and suddenly i have 20 pages of math homework. im not exaggerating 😂😂


ahhh why does school have to be so dang stressful. i have so much homework this weekend it’s not even funny like i missed four days of school last week when i was sick and suddenly i have 20 pages of math homework. im not exaggerating 😂😂

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Omg that movie is amazing 👌🏻❤️
yeah we're both singgleee af 🙌 i was close to not being single but i got that out of the way fAst❌
my Valentine’s Day was p much the exact same😂😂
ayyyy tHe siNgLe gAnG 🤪✌🏼 honestly i’m kinda okay w being single atm bc relationships are v stressful for me 🥵 aww your valentine’s day sounds fun tho to all the boys i’ve loved before is such a good series 🤩✨ @caption omg i feel you, if i missed a day of school i’d probs be making stuff up for like another week 🤭
happy valentinesssss 😁😁😁
omg i hate school and mAtHHHHH 😤😤
awh thankss 🥺💕
i loved the second one too! it was so cute
It kinda hurt😅 but it’s doing very well and doesn’t hurt at all anymore!
go and happy Valentine’s Day 2
ooo okie! happy late valentine's day :) omg on valentine's i also watched tatbilb:2 !!