READ THIS PLEASE!!Post a collage where you voice your opinions on bullying. You can repost this, and I encourage you to, but I strongly encourage you to make your own message and post it. It doesn't matter who you are, every opinion counts, and every voic


READ THIS PLEASE!!Post a collage where you voice your opinions on bullying. You can repost this, and I encourage you to, but I strongly encourage you to make your own message and post it. It doesn't matter who you are, every opinion counts, and every voic

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πŸ’–Every voice deserves to be heard. Post a collage voicing your opinions on bullying. Please do this! Let's see how far we can go! Love you all! -TabiπŸ’–
✨tabi, this is amazing! wow I am going to write something like this sometime. your a real inspiration for me Tabi-Allie✨
Thank you😘
a fist emoji
thank you!!
Thanks guys! If anybody's worried about me because I haven't been posting, I'm fine, I'm just waiting until more people take part in this post. Thanks again :)
Oh my gosh!!! Tysm!!!!!!! You are SUPER SWEET!!!!!!! xoxo
I will repost soon!
thankyou so much and I loved it you put so much info into it I'm going to be using it thank-youπŸ’•πŸ’™
b-BraveFox is s-s-stabbing h-herself. H-Help me Tabi *sobs*
I was stabbing earlier