ha this was 2k15 n0nsensitackle's style. 0h the mem0ries


ha this was 2k15 n0nsensitackle's style. 0h the mem0ries

212 0
ok so ipseity has approved the salami train. we are awaiting voguebby πŸš‚
also this is gorgeous yes
I'm sorry........😭 will you ever forgive me?
fine. then I'll just leave Piccollage.
(can we just stop with this whole thing and be friends?πŸ˜•)
Thank you sososososososoosososoososososoosososososososoososososoossoososososoosososososoososososososoososososososoosososososososoosos much
because you forgave me, and that means a lot
2k15 was a great time
oh lolπŸ˜‚I'm way too late, I've only just seen it and everyone has teams😭😭
voguebby said yes so i remixed the collage !! team salami is a go
its great bc if u look in the remixes it stands out a lot lol
Hey πŸ’— Would you like to collab ? X
Thank-you πŸ’• How would you like to do it ?
I'm happy to do yours :)