Hello :) this is my first time downloading piccollage and I'm hoping to find friends. Yes, I am Muslim :) my name is in Arabic so if I tell you guys it, you guys will think it's weird (cause it's Arabic lol) so you guys could just call me Lily (it's sorta


Hello :) this is my first time downloading piccollage and I'm hoping to find friends. Yes, I am Muslim :) my name is in Arabic so if I tell you guys it, you guys will think it's weird (cause it's Arabic lol) so you guys could just call me Lily (it's sorta

29 1
YAY!!!!! we share the same religion!
yeah...apparently I got really mad today when some dude turned us female Muslims into fetishes.
no...it's just there's still too much racism and people don't accept it. and cultures and religions aren't fetishes.
I'm so happy you're proud of your religion even though people are criticizing it! I find that very inspiring!😘
I'm glad you're not ashamed of your religion, your beliefs are nothing to be ashamed about. I hate how people are quick to stereotype all Muslims as 'terrorists', but you shouldn't listen to them. they're wrong.
I like Muslims, you are happy people 😜😄
I'm very glad that you proud of your religion. We are all the same people, but believe in different things.
I love that your proud of who you are! 😘
I am Muslim