Collab with...


Collab with...

27 1
I love how this turned outπŸ’•πŸπŸ˜
ok, do you want to do the pic and quote or would you rather have me do it
do you want to do the quote??
ok, just send me the pic, and I'll find a pic to go with it!😁
ok just give me a few minutes to come up with a good quote and we r good to go!
ok I added the quote, is there any suggestions, you can add stuff like pngs or whatever! I like the pic!
ok do you wanna go ahead and post it, I'll take out the "How About"
thx for the spam
hope you use my pictures 🍁
any specific font you want for your name?
or color
ok sounds great I'll go ahead and post it with your suggestions, and then you can add it to your photos and do the same!😁
It's Posted!!!!!!